Arms Of Valor 19 жовт. 2024 о 19:29 
playing with a cheater talking about comeback
Sweet Adult Baby Boy 17 верес. 2024 о 20:30 
Do not ever comment on my profile again, as stated in my profile terms of service, you have been reported to steam for action to be taken against your account for trolling on my profile as per paragraph 2.3(c) of the ToS that you agreed to "Users of this platform are not to engage in kink shaming of individuals"
horribleProgram 10 верес. 2024 о 15:12 
if Chris C ever puts me on a video again I'm suing him for using my likeness and will basically take all his money in civil court... so warn him.
󠀡󠀡 18 берез. 2024 о 2:55 
I'm sorry for your cousin's passing. May he rest in peace.
horribleprogram 2 серп. 2023 о 19:13 
Girl: am I pretty? Boy: no Girl: do you even want to be with me forever? Boy: no Girl: do you even like me? Boy: no Girl: would you cry if I walked away Boy: no She'd heard enough and was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyes The boy grabbed her arm Boy: you're not pretty...... You're beautiful Boy: i don't want to be with you forever..... I need to be with you forever Boy: i don't like you...... I love you Boy: i wouldn't cry if you walked away...... I die if you walked away Boy whispered: please stay with me Girl: i will *tonight at midnight your true love will realize he/she loves you*something good will happen to you at 1-4pm*tomorrow it could happen anywhere!*get ready for the shock of your life!*if you don't repost this to 5 other comments...... You will have bad luck in relationships for the next 10 years
horribleProgram 30 лип. 2023 о 14:36 
yeah IK i was listening to it, and I WROTE IT IN CHAT u dumb****
alen 29 лип. 2023 о 18:38 
the song you were looking for is called magnolia :aunope:
fuk whiteboi, asian good.. xD 27 черв. 2023 о 14:35 
Think about what you just did.. -rep
EMOTIONALBOYS2001 3 черв. 2023 о 18:22 
-rep evil ♥♥♥♥♥♥ gremlin
horribleProgram 8 трав. 2023 о 13:26 
"You want friends? Get Religion" -- Peter Parker (Spider Man 3).
Breday 7 трав. 2023 о 21:33 
+rep from poland :D
Heniu 7 трав. 2023 о 21:33 
+rep awesome guy and very kindly
horribleProgram 7 трав. 2023 о 21:03 
ty for the +reps
Pill 6 трав. 2023 о 20:24 
+rep friendly playing in comp csgo
horribleprogram 3 трав. 2023 о 13:44 
+rep taught me a lot... great friend and I enjoyed his company. <3
fuk whiteboi, asian good.. xD 1 трав. 2023 о 17:58 
-rep ♥♥♥♥ you man!!
horribleprogram 25 квіт. 2023 о 10:08 
Spectral the only thing nice about me is how I treat ur mother lolol cuz the girls I **** are treated well.
Spectral 24 квіт. 2023 о 12:19 
such a nice guy
horribleProgram 19 квіт. 2023 о 19:21 
unfriended. your a joke
pepperjackcheesewarrior 18 квіт. 2023 о 21:19 
no one is on your side. do it.
horribleProgram 18 квіт. 2023 о 16:32 
wow, i pretending to want to kill myself and I wasn't actually going to do it, but wanted to see who would be there for me... guess I know who my real friends are now... i hope u all die.
pepperjackcheesewarrior 17 квіт. 2023 о 23:31 
-rep do it coward #checkmate
horribleProgram 17 квіт. 2023 о 22:19 
hey guys, just saying goodbye, going to kill myself unless someone +reps me.
horribleprogram 20 берез. 2023 о 19:12 
Unblocked, and its "Lisa"... if u want to pretend to be a girl even though we qll know u dont pass as one, u should at least look up the proper spelliny of girls names... #checkmate
pepperjackcheesewarrior 17 берез. 2023 о 20:40 
un block me on your main account you fat loser
horribleprogram 16 берез. 2023 о 17:55 
I already apologized many times for farming commendations in CS GO by pretending I had stage 4 leukemia... and if anything I brought attention to such a disease.... so I don't care
pepperjackcheesewarrior 16 берез. 2023 о 16:33 
-rep he fakes disabilities
horribleprogram 20 лют. 2023 о 20:52 
+rep also I have one already lol. I started in January of this year.
Carlos Eduardo Zamora Rodrigues 18 лют. 2023 о 23:39 
if u want we can chat to improve your portuguese, i live in sao paulo menzola
horribleProgram 17 лют. 2023 о 14:01 
bro he didn't even get a "majority"... u stupid **** we have a multi-party system u stupid piece of ****.... so stfu the only thing u ever have on Canada is our PM, which he will be voted out next election anyways...
wiiyze 17 лют. 2023 о 6:09 
justin all the way
horribleProgram 16 лют. 2023 о 22:13 
lol a fat mcdonalds american with a dementia president is going to talk trash about my beautiful country?
horribleprogram 16 лют. 2023 о 22:10 
lol nice president... nice shooting a China spy satellite AFTER it collected all the data it needed.. nice!
hi guys its me gooner girl 16 лют. 2023 о 12:18 
canadian rep- ewww
horribleprogram 27 січ. 2023 о 19:52 
horribleProgram 11 січ. 2023 о 3:04 
My colleagues have deemed me "insane to attempt such dangerous pursuits" and will try to discount my work, do not let them. I will adhere to the scientific evidence laid before me, and the truth will be pursued at all costs. Cowards in the STEM community are too scared to interact with the specimens they seem to know so much about, often talking to them through bulletproof glass or studying them from afar... I don't take such precautions.
horribleProgram 11 січ. 2023 о 2:59 
I will pursue more study of their languages (a 60%/40% Spanish/Portugese mix), and start delving into a more in-depth study of a few individuals. Precalculus could be something a few of them could be taught (in particular, I believe they will be able to solve transcendental equations, and they may even be more adept at analytical geometry than the American black (negro)).
horribleProgram 11 січ. 2023 о 2:54 
is the South American animal (Sul-americano) capable of discussion? After studying the origins, genetics, and behaviours of the males, I have come to the conclusion that yes, they are. I became friends (amigos) with a few of them, exhibit A, B, and C. A was intelligent, it had an IQ of roughly 85-90 (an aggregate over all quantitative forms of intelligence). It was generally dosile, and the complex structures it was capable of parsing baffled me, and my initial hypothesis had to be rewritten.
horribleProgram 30 груд. 2022 о 22:33 
language learning is hard cuz u can't just work through a textbook like every other domain... u have to listen, read, write, speak... hence why I need a tutor..
horribleProgram 30 груд. 2022 о 22:30 
I pay you through paypal or any other way for the week ahead, so $200 CAD, but 4 times a week for an hour you have to sit with me on discord and walk me through pronunciation, I already have a rough estimate of the "lesson plan" so u don't even need to set up a schedule.
horribleProgram 30 груд. 2022 о 22:28 
sent u a friend request
󠀡󠀡 30 груд. 2022 о 20:33 
And what would we have to do in such case?
horribleProgram 29 груд. 2022 о 14:11 
hello, if you speak both Portugese and English (English with a decent amount of fluency) and want to make $50/hr 4 hours a week, msg me.
horribleprogram 19 груд. 2022 о 11:03 
last time I checked, it was us Americans that wrote CS GO.... this isn't FIFA, I can play in any server I want...
󠀡󠀡 18 груд. 2022 о 23:13 
Get back to NA servers, you animal.
horribleprogram 17 груд. 2022 о 23:07 
Obrigado :steamthumbsup:
Flicky 16 груд. 2022 о 6:37 
+rep, um ótimo jogador e com certeza eu convidaria para um churras. PORÉM, eu não sou homossexual, até mudei meu perfil por causa de suas falas, obrigado amigo.
horribleProgram 15 груд. 2022 о 21:50 
obrigados for +rep
CharlySNM 15 груд. 2022 о 19:16 
+rep un chabon muy copado (a very cool guy)
horribleprogram 9 груд. 2022 о 12:45 
+rep amazing Electrical Engineer, C++ coder, and one of the most logical and respectful players I've had the honor of playing with.