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PSiL70 23 Mar 2024 @ 9:27pm 
- Cojocaru?
- Mă scuzați că nu am răspuns, am fost să curăț niște cartofi da.
- Tu ești? Cine curăță cartofi ?
- Cojocaru, da. Am fost.. da. ..
- Cojocaru cureți cartofi ?! Bravo domne. Aste e.. Ești un om de valoare înseamnă, dacă știi să cureți cartofi.
Eu mereu mă cert cu ăștia care curăță cartofi prin jurul meu că aruncă jumătate de cartof. Coaja o taie parcă o taie cu toporul.
Sunt scule de taiat curățat cartofi care îl fac neted așa frumos. Tu cu ce cureți cartoful, domnule cojocaru? Mmm ?
- Cu o unealtă specială.
- Unealtă specială d-aia mișto așa care taie coaja fină, sigur că da. Bravo domnule Cojocaru..
- Și ♥♥♥ îi faci ? Fierți? sau faci PIREU? sau faci niște cartofi prăjiți?
- Niște cartofi prăjiți. Sunt cei mai buni.
- Așa.. Așa tăticu.. Cartofii prăjiți - moartea ficatului. Au un gust deosebit, într-adevăr..
- Ahhholeu ce buni sunt cartofii prăjiți. Ce buni sunt cartofii prăjiți !!!.
PSiL70 20 Sep 2022 @ 1:04pm 
I used to roll half a bottle of laxative pills into a Crunch wrap supreme and then leave cow pies on peoples door mats. People in my town installed porch cameras to catch the "Phantom S hitter" they said it couldn't possibly be one man, the hits were too frequent and too large. It had to be a whole gang of city punks coordinating and making planned precision strikes. I felt like a god among lesser beings in my town. Every time i was at the local diner and i overheard someone screaming about the black slop they found on their porch i felt powerful and unstoppable. I became too arrogant, started striking during the day. That's when they caught me and strung me up in the streets and hit me with rocks. I barely escaped with my life and i had to leave town. Now after all these years, I'm in a new town and I behave well enough. But I've got this nagging feeling, the urge is back, and I'm starting to think that my new town is about to experience a storm
LimoN 10 Jul 2021 @ 8:51pm 
We regret to inform you that your Credit Card titled "Dad's Visa" has been declined, any of your latest purchases will not be processed due to suspicious activities. To unlock your card for further use, please confirm your recent purchases and total cost with your local bank.

The listing follows

- 1x Monster Horse ♥♥♥♥♥ (12') $89.99
- 1x Ultra HD Backdoor C ock 9 $12.99
- 6x Magnum condoms (Small) $24.45
- 5x Bananas $7.00
- 5x Cucumbers $4.00
- 1x FeelsLikeBlood Lube Bottle 750ml $19.99
- 1x Next day shipping $45.00
- 1x Frequent Shopper Discount (15%)

Please respond back to us using your old email:
LimoN 3 Feb 2021 @ 5:01pm 
My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your profile gave me cancer anyway.
⚔Un Luck0⚔™ 12 Jan 2020 @ 9:13pm 
♥♥♥♥♥ team
結城 明日奈 4 Nov 2019 @ 4:34pm 
-rep tryharding matchmaking, how sad can you be?