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2.8 hrs on record
Short but entertaining

Great voice acting and nice style

Not too easy, required a bit of thought on some of the puzzles
Posted 1 June, 2024.
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66.6 hrs on record (3.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Thought I'd submit this for the benefit of the devs.

1. I like what you've done with the art
2. The campaign style for early access is surprisingly fun (to a certain extent, but would prefer normal campaigning)
3. The animations are good (mostly)
4. The way the UI looks and feels is great overall
5. The way you've transformed a beautiful map into hex based combat is great. No stupid glowing hexes, it just all fits in nicely and melds together very well
6. Challenging game, and very rewarding on those clutch moments
7. All the cards are very easy to read, and understand
8. Perfectly replicates the awesome combos you can do in the boardgame. Melting a group of 4 dudes with an AoE is amazing
9. Now I am more familiar with the amount of clicking required, everything is much easier
10. Maps are fairly unique, sometimes really long snaking corridors, other time very close dungeons with multiple doors to choose from (but you need to go all the directions anyway)

1. The UI can feel really unresponsive at times, due to the multiple clicks required to do a simple action, i.e. move 3 out of 4 hexes, and poison
2. The way the scenarios are, the walls can make everything feel really claustrophopic, I suggest making each tile slightly bigger, so there is more room on the map. It all feels super crammed in tight
3. I dislike that you don't give us the option of choosing X cards from the get go, and I have to spend a card unlock on them. They're essential cards to some classes imo, and should not be put in with the level unlocks
4. I think you should make the damage modifier system more flashy, right now, sometimes it is difficult to determine when you draw that x2, +2 etc. Maybe separate those numbers from the enemy hp bar
5. Road events are too few and far between
6. City events yet to be added, or I just never come across them
7. When you lose a scenario, you get no XP, gold etc. Please fix this (you get both xp and gold in the boardgame)
8. Found typo: 'General's Store' instead of 'General Store' - unless the owner is called General?
9. Why can I buy stuff from both the store, and the tavern, why not just put it all in one place?
10. Dislike that I have to kill X bosses before I can try a three man party composition. 2 man party compositions can be very unbalanced depending on scenario
11. Using items such as potions, or self effect items can be a bit clunky
12. Sometimes it can be unclear which of your cards is your leading card, maybe once you've chosen your two cards, you could lock them in, and choose initiative then
13. Some of the tiles obscure traps (clipping)
14. The brute walking animation is a bit odd
15. I hate the durability system
16. Most of the prosperity items you would normally have access to in the shop, aren't there
17. Having to traipse across the whole map (maybe 10 scenarios) just to visit town to get some new boots (if they're even there) is a pain in the ass
18. Not all level 2-9 cards are available choices when you level up. Sometimes you don't even get access to the cards that correspond with your level and you have no choice to choose lower level cards
19. I have 500+ gold now, and nothing to spend it on because other minor settlements have no items to buy
20. Sometimes doors are difficult to find, I have failed a few scenarios thinking there were no other rooms, to suddenly see a door and know I have failed due to me thinking there were fewer rooms

TLDR: Overall - very good start for this early access Gloomhaven title. Lots of improvements to be made, but - that means lots of room for growth. Do not regret spending £20.
Posted 17 July, 2019. Last edited 19 July, 2019.
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A developer has responded on 24 Jul, 2019 @ 7:08am (view response)
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8.9 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Brilliant game.

Scary in the cave.
Found my way out thanks to a flare gun.

Make zombie/cavemen less tough, let them die to an axe in the face please :)
Posted 30 May, 2014.
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3.7 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
Posted 29 December, 2013.
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1 person found this review helpful
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360.7 hrs on record (125.5 hrs at review time)
Initially, I loved this game. Full of intense battles and conquest, the enjoyment I got out of it was a lot more than expected. Singleplayer *was* very fun, however the AI became rediculously predictable, and I ended up facerolling the map, even on the harder difficulties. Multiplayer on the other hand is dreadul.
If you love playing a multiplayer campaign for 10 minutes before it de-syncs, this is the game for you.
Having tried this game on a multitude of machines with a variety of specifications, I have found it is full of compatability issues, graphical bugs, and just general problems when you try to play multiplayer and even single-player games.
The support for this game is awful, and the huge expanse of bugs that have not been fixed by the developers continues to grow.
I would say overall to all those potential buyers, think long and hard before this purchase, or wait until it's at least 66% off.

TLDR - Don't buy it
Posted 11 December, 2013. Last edited 11 December, 2013.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries