Laughing Seal
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"I know this review is mostly negative, and I can imagine a few people asking me “If it was so bad, then why did you play so much of it?”. There are two answers to that question. First, despite how broken it was, I actually found the gameplay fun and enjoyable at times. Repetitive, yes, but enjoyable. It was satisfying becoming a fully specced-out technological badass. Second, I had faith that the game's main story would find its footing, correct it’s pacing, and allow for a satisfying ending. I am disappointed to report my faith was misplaced. But honestly, I still think I enjoyed my time with Cyberpunk 2077 overall. I would wait until the major bug-patches have come out, and then maybe purchase when it was on sale. I’ll also be curious as to how the modding community grows, as it has already begun working on the game, and CD Projekt Red seems to be supportive of them. But currently, I would say it’s plainly average at the moment, with the potential to be something special after a bit more polish.

Cyberpunk 2077 feels like a person trapped beneath an ice lake. You can see them struggling underneath, and you know exactly what they’re trying to do, but they lack the things they need to break through.


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