Malcolm Wakeling   Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
Ex RBR/Auran Player Of TS12. Would like to "get into this site" but having a "rough time" trying to get Scenarios to "run as real time" Seems to be a 8 sec. delay on everyting I play .I am from a Railway Family, Father and Brother wre both Drivers on the NSWGR. I unfortunately didn't follow in their footsteps. I became an Industrial Arts Teacher with the NSW Education Dept. Have always had a passion for trains - started off with Razoback Railway several years ago and have all their early Scenarios, most of it on a computor which still runs on the XP Format. Since its demise I have been playing alot of the material from the Steam site running on a computor with Windows 8+ originally, now running on Windows 10. I really enjoy playing the Steam Material. Did a fair bit of my own layouts on the 2004, and 2006 Train Simulator games. Did a pretty fair effort on a layout radiating from the Binnaway Depot, in NSW, reaching out branch lines to Gwabegar, Werris Creek, Mudgee, and Dubbo.Haven't tried to replicate it yet on the Steam layout, but hopefully it will happen one day.
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malw 28. Juni 2020 um 15:51 
What a coincidence my Dad spent the latter part of his career driving Rail Motors. Started on the CPH (Tin Hares) and as the newer Rail Motors evolved he graduated to the 400 Class and then the 600 Class, Usual runs from Binnaway were to Werris Creek, Dubbo and Gwabegar. Cheers Mal.
malw 15. Feb. 2018 um 16:02 
Good news !! Have finally fixed the "vertex Buffer" problem. Because all Steam Scenarios are based on 32bit format, they struggle to run on Windows 10 (it runs on a 64bit format) My Saviour was my Grand Daughter. Very smart on the keyboard. It was a matter of updating the Nvidia Driver, reset application it run in Windows 8 compatability Mode, turned graphics down slightly plus set to borderless full window mode. Sounds simple, but she did a hell of a lot of "fiddling" to get the end result. Best Birthday Present ever !!! I'm in Train Drivers Paradise. Cheers Mal.
malw 2. Apr. 2017 um 0:59 
Hi! Welcome aboard. Would like to try some of the Scenarios you chaps put on Workshop. What names should I be looking for ? Cheers Mal.
Intercity V set 1. Apr. 2017 um 16:50 
Hello buddy
malw 10. März 2017 um 18:14 
Also got the "Teaspoon Award" Minus 12120 Points playing WCML Tret Valley Wintermodal. Tme to retire from Virtual Trains I think !!
malw 10. März 2017 um 16:26 
I just won the "wooden spoon Award" Played China Clay-Early morning at rocks. Got a grand total of MINUS 111297 Points. Nobody else can be that bad a Driver, can they ???