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Скорошни рецензии на CtrlAltDelicious

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547.9 изиграни часа (0.6 часа по време на рецензията)
Played the Epic games (ew) version since open beta, ~300hrs of playtime.

It's a fast paced, somewhat tactical TPS with a relatively lean learning curve. It's fairly easy to pubstomp (or get pubstomped) so I'd advise against solo queue unless you're confident in your aim. Queueing up with friends is highly recommened for both win chances and fun factor.

Devs aren't bad but aren't great either: it felt like they sometimes took way too much time to fix bugs (even game breaking ones) but that could be because the team isn't big enough, annoyances in the codebase or whatever. On the other hand they're pretty in touch with the community (game's subreddit is a good place to reach them) and tend to correct their ♥♥♥♥-ups if the community backlash is strong enough (TLDR: complain about things you don't like).

TLDR: Fun game, play it with friends for best experience, it's not P2W, don't expect a AAA title, enjoy!
Публикувана 21 юли 2021. Последно редактирана 21 юли 2021.
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