
グラブクリ/Tiltkröte Grubchri の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:210.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:36.5時間)
I like this game, the only down side i have to complain about, is the performance, though i have to admit with my RTX 3070 i am not quite meeting the "recommended" specs.
Also, if you are mad for paying 40€ for a game with a potential of 1K hours of fun (and afaik free maps which will be added one after another) then idk what to tell you.

If you wonder if this is just ASE(Ark survival Evolved) in UE5, i can tell you, it is not quite the same. Here are some things that are different in ASA(Ark survival Ascended) compared to ASE:

1) Building system has been updated and a lot of engrams have been collected in to a single one; e.g walls, windows, door ways are just a single engram now, which you can cycle through when you want to place it.
Structures can now snap together or placed freely as it was before in ASE. The snapping is actually quite handy imo.
Water pipes and electric cables have been removed, so right now you can get them both over wifi to your tap/outlet :)
You can now also "track" a few items that you want to craft. Select something you want to craft with right click and select "track" and it will give you a list of required items on the right side of your screen.
Apparently there have been some improvements to the turret placement and tekk things, but since i am not there yet or have no use for turrets in pve/single player, so i can't really tell you much about that.

2) The Wild dinos are not the same as it was in the beginning of ASE, which i actually quite like. Currently there is also the Giga, Titanosaurus and many other dinos, which have only been added after time to ASE.
Also, now you can find baby, juvenile or adolescent versions of the dinos roaming around. These can be claimed if alone, or if their parents are around you kill/tame those to claim them. If you choose to kill them, they are quite a good source for prime meat.

3) Resources like metal and oil got a new texture. Metal is now a rock with metal fragments sticking out instead of the golden rock they used to be in ASE.

4) After using your equipment you can see for example your armor or axe get a "wear" effect.

5) You have a marker on your screen with all your dinos location. This can be toggled on an off, for each individually or all at once, in one the menu points next to the engrams. Now comes the neat part; you also get a location marker with the dino you are currently taming, though this only shows up, after you have already put food in it. If you hover of the taming marker, you can see it's torpor, food and location.

6) Kibble, colour, cooked meat and other recipes are now shown in the respective station. This is quite handy, because now you don't have to look up on the internet what kibble needs what items to be crafted.

Overall i am quite happy with these QoL changes.
投稿日 2023年11月11日.
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総プレイ時間:176.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:80.4時間)
Keep in mind for the following review, that i have played this only in multiplayer so far with 3 friends.
As you will notice in this review, i previously played Divinity original Sin 2: DE. In Comparison, Divinity for me with the same group of friends is a 5/5.
BG3 on the other hand was more like a 3/5


personal gameplay issues with my favorite Class:
I personally like to play as a wizard/summoner lizard/dragonoid, but in BG3 this class feels kind of useless imo. In DOS on the contrary i didn't feel that way. Even though in BG3 there is no limit like 1 Summon/Person as there is in divinity the early summons were kind of meh/weak just as i was. I always had the feeling that in the upcoming fights i was about to die the second i got hit by something making me effectively a black hole for potions/resurrection scrolls.

Fighting system:
The fighting system gives you usually one action point and one bonus action. These are for moving and attacking. Then there is spell slots for spells (which is for mages/wizards,...). Not only is the number of these slots small, but they can only be restored after a long rest(with a few exceptions of items/skills that are also limited to a long rest). This forces a party with mages to do long rests after every 2-3 fights, at least from my experience. There is also only one spell slot for high level spells to cast per long rest. The next topic is about dealing/taking damage. In BG3 there is a armor class(AC) value. To deal damage with your attack you need to surpass this value with an attack. Mages are only able to wear light armor unless skilled differently, which is not very protective making you a glass cannon from the beginning or forces you to learn proficiency with middle (and heavy) armor.
Coming from DOS 2 this fighting system is inconvenient as you can recharge your high level spells on the go and rest with a sleeping bag from your inventory to heal in DOS2. Also there is only more protection with higher armor you get but there is no restriction as to what armor you can wear(except for certain armor sets maybe).

Traveling as a party:
i honestly did not like it. Sure, the key elements like tp-points or traveling to the next arc are the same as in DOS2. But the "every one of your party needs to accept to make a long rest"-mechanic was one of the things that put me off the most. As mentioned above, in DOS2 you could just click on your sleeping bag and it healed you and your armor full. Done in 1 second and no waiting. Meanwhile in BG3 you needed to wait for the ready checks for everyone to accept to do a long rest and then for everyone to accept to sleep. It didn't feel like everyone was forcibly joined together to a group compared to BG3. Also in BG3 you need to wait for everyone to finish their dialog before going to bed together...Why?

The story was interesting and lively thanks to the many cutscenes. There were a lot of character types also with differenciating opinions, which i liked a lot, including the love story parts.

Traders were stocked with almost no gold or any items that we were able to trade our loot for. This made merchants kind of useless after they had no potions or reviving scrolls left.
投稿日 2023年10月14日. 最終更新日 2023年10月14日
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