biggest surfs up fan
Surf's Up (2007)
Quiet on the set. And we're rolling. Cody Maverick interview, take one. Why are you guys here to interview me? It's what we do. We're a reality film crew. Should I know some of the questions before we start? - No. They're easy. - Okay. - Can you stand on that box, please? - Oh, yeah. Right there? What is that? - What is that? - A sound thing. It's a microphone. What's up, man? I'm Cody. And you're what, 14, 15 years old? Seventeen years of age. And any other skills besides surfing? Like what? Like singing and dancing? Yeah. Yeah. No, not me, man. I just surf. - Loser. - I just... Cut it out, Glen. Stop, man. We're here to make a movie about Cody. - Does he have to be here? - It's gonna be great. Can I get in line now to not see it? We'll re-slate. Since we're talking about surfing, give us your thoughts about surfing. Surfing. Surfing. - Where do I start? - How about at the beginning? Okay, well... So as soon as there was the first wave, right? There was the first surfer. All they needed was, like, a piece of driftwood... ...a block of ice or something like that, and then they were off. And they were hooked, man. They were hooked. Up till recent times, you had your old dudes. Your hang-six cats. These old guys used to lay down with these huge, humongous boards. These guys were the pioneers... ...but nobody saw what surfing could really be... ...until Big Z did it. - Could you tell us who Big Z was? - Who was Big Z? You're asking the right guy. You got that far. Z is everything. Big Z is surfing. I mean, he's... There may well as not have been an ocean before Z. They invented the ocean for him. He lived so hard because he wasn't afraid to live. He wasn't afraid to die. He came to Antarctica when I was just a kid. Man, it was the biggest thing that ever happened here. And suddenly there he was. Just floating over the water. Hovering, you know, like weightless. He could've walked up to anyone... ...and he walks right up to me. And he gives me this awesome, one-of-a-kind Big Z necklace. And then he tells me, "You know, kid, never give up. Find a way, because that's what winners do. " He was the greatest. Everyone looked up to him, respected him, loved him. And one day, one day I'm gonna be just like him. And I've been surfing ever since I can remember. It's hard to imagine my life when I wasn't surfing. I want to get out of here, and this is my ticket out. I'm really good, man. I'm the best on the island. I know it sounds cocky for saying that, but, I mean, I am, like the best. I was born and raised here in Shiverpool. Lived here my whole life. That's where they sort the fish. It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. But yeah, I worked there just to pacify my mom a little bit. Good old Shiverpool. This place sucks, bro. I worked my way up from the sardine pile, then to the mackerel pile... ...and I ended up on the gefilte fish pile. - All hard work. - Not like some I could mention. Yes, this farkakte kid with the thing on the water. My house? Over there. You see it right there with the surfboards? Yeah, I just live here with me and my brother, Glen, my mom. He was a little, teeny, small egg. He wasn't very impressive. Glen was the big egg, Cody was the small egg. He can't help it. That's just the way he is. I mean, he's out there... the water all day shirking his responsibilities. You know, hatching these eggs is a big responsibility. And my brother, Cody, he just doesn't understand that. - He needs to step up and be a man. - It takes a real man to sit on an egg. - You know it. - Quincy, come to Daddy. He wants to be different. All the time with the different. Who's got the time in the day to... Only six months in a day. - Thanks for making it. - Sorry. It was too good to miss. - Thanks for making it. - How was it out there? He's the big brother. I'm the little brother. I'm not touching you. - Not gonna touch you. - Do you see this? - Don't. Please? - I'm not. He makes sure that I know that. I had to fight for everything. Even Mom's tuna casserole. I'm lucky I survived. It really wasn't that easy for him growing up. Like I said before... ...he never really knew his father. I'm not really the person to ask about it because I was too young to remember. Look, I'm not the only kid on the island... ...whose dad was, you know, eaten. - Still, it had to be traumatic. - No. Not for me, bro. Not for me. - What's your dream? - To go away. - To go away. That's great. - Do you guys want a drink? Got to run away from responsibility and life. This is unique. - This is not the norm. - "I have dreams." - When is this not happening? - Don't make that noise. - Cody! - It's really disrespectful. I would never do that. You just wouldn't make it out of your mouth. That's the difference between you and me. You know what? I can't do this anymore. Mom. Look what you did. This is for me. This isn't for you. Why is Glen still here? Oh, yeah, exactly. Mom! I don't understand why everybody's so judgmental. I understand why Mom's judgmental. I think it's because she cares, partially. It's also partially because... ...everyone else is looking at her like, "Hey, Cody's just a bum. Cody's this. Cody's that. Cody's this. " Cody's me, bro. Let me be me. When is that gonna start? You know what they call me? The dream maker. The dream maker. I find these kids, I bring them here... ...and I give them a chance to be somebody. You know my greatest joy as a surf promoter? Finding Z. Watching him rise to the top. I still can't believe he's gone. He was like a son to me, you know? It was a heart thing, you know? Can we just take five minutes? How's my hair? Is it messed up? I ain't got all day. Is it mussed? We just have a few more questions about Big Z. But right now I think we're more interested... the Reggie Belafonte story, and who could blame us? But Big Z is kind of the focus of our... Let's get the coconut filler guy over here. And how about the guy sweeping the sand? Can we hear your boring story about your tedious, ridiculous life? Get your feathers off it! Stop! I ain't got all day. I got a big production here. Roll, okay? Just roll! Welcome, fans, to another edition of SPEN Sports. This is Sal Masakela... ...and we're here at the surfing capital of the world, Pen Gu Island... ...for a preview of the tenth annual Big Z Memorial Surf-Off. Professional surfers extraordinaire... ...Kelly and Rob tell us... ...what challenges our surfers are going to face. First things first, Sal. The wave. It's the perfect combination... ...of beauty and danger. Even the pros are terrified of this place. Hi, Mom. Dig this, Sal. Section behind me. It's "The Boneyards." Few surfers have ventured in there... ...and come out alive. Are you trying to tell me people have died here? - That's right, Sal. - A moment of silence for them. And we keep it moving because if the Boneyards was not enough... ...our surfers will be facing off with Tank "The Shredder" Evans. Tank, nine-time defending champ. A role model? No. But I do consider myself somebody that everyone should look up to. Kids should try to pretend that they're Tank. I mean, they should try. Good luck, kids. You never want to get in there and help them out... ...and show them how to surf and spend some time with the kids? No, I don't want to do that. - Anyway, this is my wave. - Always classy Tank Evans. Coming up after the break, penguin dodge ball. Stick around. Okay, to get back to the competition, I just want to say: I'm scouring the globe for the next big thing. But that's another story. He doesn't look for them. I find them. I find these penguins. I find the talent. Reggie has sent me everywhere on this trip. Anyplace there's an ocean... ...a lake, a puddle. It's ridiculous. I am on so much migraine medication, you have no idea. The stress is killing me. I don't know how much longer I can last. I have to tell you that right now. You gotta try this blowhole thing, man. This whale dude is giving me a brain freeze. I lost a bet. Excuse
Surf's up (2007)
me. Excuse me. Does anybody in this entire frozen wasteland surf? - The Cody Maverick kid does that. - Wonderful. Thank you. You know, you're sitting on... thin ice. Excuse me, I'm looking for... I'm looking for Cody Maverick. - Has anyone seen Cody Maverick? - I'm Cody Maverick. Mike Abromowitz from the Big Z Memorial Surf-Off, Pen Gu Island. You came here on a wha... You came to see me. Wow! - Quite a slip-and-slider, aren't you? - You're here. What an honor, sir. Lovely. Wonderful. I hear you surf. - Is this true? - You gotta see what I can do. - You can actually stand on a board? - I'll be back. You're gonna see what I can do everything's gonna be good... ...and I'm coming with you. - I can't imagine a better day. Ma! Ma, he came... the scout. Mikey. He came. He's here. - What? Yeah. - He's giving me a shot now, Ma. You want to come watch me surf? - No, that's okay. - Just this time. - I'm busy. I'm chopping here. - Okay. All right, well, wish me luck. Cody, just be careful of those big waves. Well, anytime now. You should have been here yesterday. We had a sweet swell yesterday. I was doing some layback 360s and floaters. It was insane. Wow! Start the whale. No! Wait! Wait! Just give me one more chance. - All I need is one, please. - You just had it. - Dude, please don't go. - Tough break, kid. - Just wait one second. - Better luck next year. Move it. - Let's go. He's coming! - Just one wave. That's all I need. I've never won anything my whole life. Just once I want to feel like a winner. I used to scout songbirds. Toucans for this musical revue in Brazil. Now that's show business. Toucans... Hold on! I don't care what you say, I'm coming to Pen Gu! No way, no how. This is a contest for big-wave surfers. Can't this blubber ball go any faster? Step on it, fish sticks! No, no, no, no! Poor kid. I feel bad a little bit. Honestly, this is embar... No, wait! Wait! Did you guys see that? He almost had my board! He almost had it. Next time we'll get it. - Yeah, so anyway... - Wait! We got you. We got you. Oh, you are heavier than you look. - Man, we did it. - Thank you. Teamwork always pays off. - I'm Chicken Joe, man. - Thanks, Joe. Don't you ever, ever, do anything like that in the contest, all right? - I'm in? - Yeah, you're in. Because that was entertaining, in a horrifying sort of way. Right on, dude. My name's Cody Maverick, Shiverpool. You? No, I'm not from Shiverpool. - Where are you from? - Dude, I'm from Lake Michigan. That's where I surf. I was the only one... ...around my town who did it. A lot of people thought I was crazy, but I'm used to that. - I know how you feel, Joe. - You do? - Yeah. - Radical. - Butt freeze! - Somebody help the chicken. Look out! Slater, Machado. How's it going, bros? - Good. Thanks. - What's up, buddy? Okay. Later, dudes. Radical. Dude, look where I'm standing. I'm standing where Z stood. - Aw, man. - Dude, you gotta try this. - No, I'm okay. - Come on. Just one bite. All right. One bite, that's it. Yeah, yeah? What do you think? It's not bad. It kind of tastes like chicken... Yep. What's chi-chi? Coming through! Oh, crap. Oh, man. I'm in love. Help me! I'm drowning! What are you standing here next to me for? Go talk to her, man. - I'm not gonna talk to her. - She's digging on you. - She called you crap. - Joe. - Thanks again. - All right, well... ...this is the third time you've been unconscious this week. I just don't think it's very good for your brain. - I know. Bye, Lani. - Okay. Yeah, that was awesome how you saved his life and all. That was just unbelievable. Really. You here for the surf contest? - Well, I'll be watching you. - Really? You'll be watching me? Well, yeah, from the lifeguard station. - Yeah. Right. - It's my job. - That's your job. - Are you gonna kiss her? - What's going on? - Come on, Joe. - You were saying you were in love... - No, I didn't say that. - Look, he really digs you. - Joe, listen... He likes you, though. See you. I love my job. I have an amazing job. Just this week, with the contest...'s a little crazy. You really have to be extra, extra attentive. When you have so many guys in the water you can't miss a thing. But you know what? I have a perfect record. I've never lost anybody. Sure, there have been close calls, but... - Help! - Oh, Arnold. I turn my back for one... - Just lay some feeling on her. - How do you mean? - Through words. Through touch. - Walk me through the approach. - I'm Lani. You're me. - You sure about that? - I get real serious. - Let's not. Let's not. - Whoa. - What is it? That's it! That's Big Z's shrine. - Remember? - No, no. Not really. Today, the world of surfing lost one of its legends. Big Z took his final ride this morning... ...during a competition with up-and-coming surfer Tank Evans. Z was last seen paddling into a massive swell off Pen Gu Bay. Friends of Big Z gathered to remember and celebrate his life. Great shot! What? Hey! - Every time. - He's got a pretty good throwing fin. Stop doing... Stop it! Cut it out! - That's like three in a row. - Here, give it a shot. What? Wait a minute. Look at this. - Don't. Stop it. - It's a Big Z necklace. That's not funny. Stop. Stop! What are you doing? Look, everybody, it's Big Z's last fan! Coming through. Out of the way. Let's go. - You don't deserve to talk about him. - He's a big zero. - Shut your mouth! - Zero starts with "Z"! You'll never be as good as Big Z, Stank. Hey, hey, people, come on now. Smile on your brother. - Keep your girlfriend out of this! - You can't do that to my friend. You're getting quite a workout there. That feels good. Why don't you work on my glutes a little bit? That's very nice. - All right. That's enough, guys. - I'll take you on anytime, anywhere. Well, then how about right here, right now, huh? Hey, Mikey, get this kid a board! All right, who wants to see the little guy take on the champ? Little guys rule! A little one-on-one surfing action between Tank Evans and Jerry... - Cody. Cody. - Cody Maverick. Cody Mavencourt. And the one that rides the biggest wave wins. Are you nervous about going against Tank Evans? Ah, Tank. Nervous? What do I have to be nervous about? Give it up! Come on, now! I'm gonna chum the water with your head. - Bring it on, pecker face. Let's go. - Pecker face? It's mine! So, Cody, when you take your first wave... ...and the whole island's there to watch, what'll it be like? It's gonna be amazing. It'll be the best wave of my life. I hope the cameras are rolling because you'll want to watch it... ...over and over and over again. It's gonna be awesome! I can't look. - Poor kid. He's... Poor kid. - Wow! That was spectacular! I'm number one! The Tank! We're trying to get the details. The lifeguard just pulled him in. That's what happens when you take on the Tank, right? Cody, Cody! - How is he? Okay? What can I do? - Yeah, he's okay. I can help. Except if there's blood. Just the thought of blood makes me... Somebody help the chicken. - Tank, you okay? - Tank needs fuel. Mikey, get the board, will you? Come on. Come on. Come on. - Did I win? I won, huh? - You should've stayed in Antarctica. - Oh, wow. - You're gonna be okay. Look at that. There's pixies everywhere. What do you think about Cody going into a contest and possibly winning? - You know, I'm... - Ha. - Why did you just laugh? - Because he keeps saying "possible." Like it's "possible" that you're gonna win. And you're gonna do anything. - Really, what are the chances? - They're high. Aren't they high? I mean, they're normal chances. It's not like I'm, like, the underdog. Hey, Geek! Geek! Get up and help me. Geek. Geek? Geek. Wake up! I need your help. Come on. Get off your lazy butt and come and help me. Beautiful dream. - Did you ever know Sheila? - No. I don't know Sheila. - Wait, wait, wait. What? - What? Who's this guy? - He's a surfer. He's hurt. -

Who are all those guys?

They're with him. Ignore them. - Come on. - Lani, what are you doing? If you help him, they'll go away. -

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