The Loop King ♔
Loop King   British Virgin Islands

Let's look at some of the ones already HUMBLED by The Loop King:

Tru3Tal1ent - couldn't handle the infinite loops, NO MATCH for The Loop King!
Synner99 - tried to bring the heat, got burned instead!
KnightLight - got the left right goodnight after facing The Loop King!
LilithOmen - thought he could chase me, but ended up chasing shadows instead!
Infladyne - thought he could heat things up, but got quickly extinguished by the Loop King!
The Last Envoy - stalked The Loop King through several games in anger, needed to stalk some YouTube killer guides instead!
7cmPwincess - 15k hours as Huntress? Cute. Watch your axes, Queen! The Loop King just made you miss 15 hatchets on the same pallet! Stay HUMBLE! 👑

More killers will fall, and more names will be added to this list. I’m on a mission to humble EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU. Step up if you dare, but know this—you WILL be added to the list.


Let me be CRYSTAL CLEAR. The Loop King doesn't just survive, HE DOMINATES! So listen up, because if you want to keep breathing, you'd better STAY THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY . I don't have time for your secret offerings, your sneaky Black Wards, or your desperate attempts to catch me off guard with a Mori. I've played nice for FOUR LONG YEARS, and what did it get me? ABUSE. Two out of three games, I get griefed, harassed, and humiliated. No more.

Here’s the deal: if you think I’m sticking around for your sub-30 second chase, you’re dead wrong— DC . I’m here to LOOP, not babysit your rank. Leave me hanging on second stage after one hook? DC . You stay in a locker for more than 10 seconds? DC . Don’t drop me your item when I don’t have one? Guess what? DC . Start emoting or teabagging? DC ., and you can hold that L. Miss a flashlight or pallet save? You’re just wasting my time— DC . Facing the Skull Merchant ? INSTANT DC .—I’m not here for your 3-gen misery. Disagree with the Loop King? That’s the fastest DC of your life. You think you can test me? You’ll be staring at a disconnected lobby screen before you can blink.

Cowardice has a price, and Sacrificial Wards? Don’t think I haven’t noticed! You bring that garbage thinking you’ll escape fate? THINK AGAIN. Wards are the tools of the weak—too scared to leave your fate to the Gods of the fog. When you bring a Sacrificial Ward, you’re not just insulting the game, you're insulting ME, The Loop King. And I punish cowardice. Bring your Ward, and I’ll laugh as I hit that DC button faster than you can blink. The fog belongs to the bold, not the fearful, and I WILL NOT STAND FOR COWARDICE!

You’ve had your chance to play fair. Now, you play by MY RULES—or you don’t play at all!!!!!!
Vetrina delle immagini in evidenza
Vetrina immagini
Another EASY facecamp
Pax 3 mar, ore 9:09 
The powerful aura emitting from The Loop King HIMSELF is something you should fear at every waking moment. If you are a killer with The Loop King in your lobby, know you are signing yourself up for a sad, slow & pitiful yet painful 5 gen chase with a hint of HUMBLING at the end. Do not underestimate his power and technique, or within the a blink of an eye you will be #HUMBLED and destroyed by the king himself.
Woolchipmunk 2 mar, ore 19:07 
+rep Every day I'm thankful for him not being in my servers when I play killer :wesker:
Alan WOKE 14 feb, ore 12:35 
+I got humbled by the loop king and he bequeathed me a 3 hook states, very gracious of you lord!
sorokor 14 feb, ore 12:17 
+rep very skilled survivor, just dodge if you're an inexperienced killer
The Loop Princess ✿ 7 feb, ore 9:41 
+rep The King Himself
LilithOmen 6 feb, ore 16:51 
+Rep I was defeated by the loop king, dodge if you think you can win