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50.9 hrs on record (31.2 hrs at review time)
Assassin's Creed is one of my favorite game franchises, so this may be a bit biased review.

I like Unity. Yes, it has many bugs. Yes, the engine is trash. But I still like the game.

The story is decent. They tried to make another Ezio, but it didn't really match up. Arno is a good character, his story is fun. It's motivated by revenge, but not as impactful as it should be. The thing that it's missing in my opinion is the connection. The characters don't feel so close to each other.

The gameplay is mixed feelings. It is VERY glitchy in all aspects. The parkour almost always has some bugs, thou when it works, it looks and feels great. Best looking free running in the franchise. I'm having too much fun just running around Paris. Combat is just a downgrade IMO. Besides the fact that it's bugged out as hell, the combat is boring. The good part is that you can have 5 weapon types and it gives you a bit of diversity. But unlike older games, you cannot pick up weapons from enemies which I loved doing.

Graphics are insane. Considering this is a 2014 game, this looks amazing. If you told me that this game came out in 2021, I would believe you. Sometimes it doesn't look that good, but most of the time it's great. Really love how Paris looks.

Content is good, as with every AC game. Some find it boring and that's fine. I like to collect all of the chests and other collectibles. Side quests are good too, some more interesting than others but overall good.

Co-op is fun. The servers are down more than they are working, but when it works, co-op is very fun. I wish they went ahead with this and expanded on it. The missions are narrated and don't feel like just "boring extra content"

The soundtrack is fine. Not the best, but it's good enough.

Like I mentioned, I like all AC games. This game was trashed for being bugged out, and that's true. But if you can look past the glitches its a good game.
Posted 26 December, 2022.
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10.9 hrs on record
This is going to be a long one bois. I rate this 7.5 but I just rounded it off. In terms of graphics, this triple A game is very well done having gone through a graphic patch since it first came out on PC (thought I wasn't there to see the big change I did see it on Youtuber videos). Even for a high graphics, this game can run on decent gaming laptops, as long as you have a good enough PC it will work fine with very very little lag or bitrate issues. As for storyline, this game is the continuation of Destiny, the first game. Though the lore pretty much calls it "the new light", 'new light' meaning new players(long explanation). It may seem to just throw you into a boat and not tell you how to operate it as some reviews have stated but I disagree. Remember when I said "new light"? Well I'll give a brief explanation as to why its called new light(without explaining 'the light'{thats up to you to find out]). New light refers to new players, as as new player, you have no clue what the game or story will be about. But at the start of the game we see a "companion" waking us up. This companion is important as you find out more about the story, you will find out more about your companion. Upon doing the introduction in the game we get several cutscenes explaining who that companion is and what you are. But remember, put your mind in your characters' shoes, you have no memory of your past and youve just been put under a spotlight as you fight for a purpose you are still searching for slowly but surely. As you learn more about the story, so does your character in a theoretical way(your character learns what they are and so do you). Then the rest of the story progresses through expansions and dlcs in the game, (2 so far that you can purchase).

But why is it 7.5? you may ask. well I also have problems with the game. It may seem like having 2 dlcs you have to buy to progress in the game is a butt load of crap but I disagree. For a company to do this is reasonable and a good marketing ploy: people who want to know more about the game or want to have more fun with it will buy the dlcs. If they like it, they can keep it, if they dont, just refund before 2 hours of gameplay of course. In my opinion the two dlcs are fairly well written story wise. Doing what they did in one of the dlcs was a good move and a good motivator. But for a free content, you only get so much to do, which is not very much at all, after you finish the free expansions the game has, then what? it will just become mundane as you get the repetitive pve events and repetitive grinding.

But then again, "why 7.5? You didnt explain that." Well its already been said, you simply just have to buy the dlcs to enjoy more of the game instead of have all that content in the game already and have the game pay to play. But also keep this in mind, Bungie puts up a new dlc every year, last year it was Shadowkeep, before that it was Forsaken, this year its Beyond Light.

Another few minor reasons is that you will need friends to enjoy some of the difficult parts of the game: the dungeons and the raids, and those contain the good loots. So if you dont have friends who play the game(or friends in general OOF) then you wont be able to play those raids and dungeons. But there are clans and people in game you can befriend as well, finding people is ultimately up to you. The exotics or the rarest weapons and armors in game can drop anytime and some have to be acquired through the raids which again, if you dont have anyone to play with you wont be able to get it, so thats minus a point or so. this game also includes multiplayer game modes for the competitive spirits out there and I say its very chaotic so be prepared, CSgo and COD and all those games may have prepared you for pvp fps skills but the game also requires you to "build" your character, so if you dont build well you will be an easy target nonetheless. otherwise, its still fun to play. For the pve players, its got tons of events you can play in not to mention the raids and dungeons and campaigns/missions.

Going back to story and lore, Destiny has probably one of the most richest lores in gaming that you need hours to fully get all the story, PLUS the ongoing story the game has; it just keeps on expanding. Some technical issues the game has is that it isnt compatible with some streaming softwares, one big one is OBS. graphics optimization is also very good for a PC game that will rarely have problems if you have a decent PC.

But for those who argue that this game is repetitive after some time, let me ask you this, what about other FPS games? CSGO? COD? MW? Fortnite? Moba games like League? DOTA 2? Ovewatch? those games too are repetitive.
Posted 26 December, 2022.
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33.1 hrs on record
An amazing journey of a monster hunter in every way possible.
The main story is very well made with a great cast of characters, and the writing is fantastic, everything in the game has depth to it.

The amount of content is absolutely ridiculous, at first you might get overwhelmed by all the activities the game throws at you, but exploring the map and doing side quests is definitely worth it, this game has perhaps the best side quests I've ever experienced, and the quest design is phenomenal.

The dialogue options are groundbreaking, almost every quest has different outcomes and interactions, it's insane. Your actions have consequences and if you're not careful, you can miss entire questlines that can alter your experience.

It's an all-around solid game, it does almost everything very well, except from the gameplay which is a little bit clunky so you'll have to get used to it, and some animations look weird.
The biggest problem I have with the game personally is the amount of filler and padding in the first half of the story, it takes way too long for it to pick up, but the last few hours are just incredible.
Also the boss fights are disappointingly simple and easy, no challenge whatsoever.

Top Tier Open World in my opinion, it's very enjoyable from start to finish, there are so many things to do in this game.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt achieved the impossible, it's unbelievable how a small Polish studio managed to create this monster of a videogame.

Final Rating: "Masterpiece" ~ 10/10.
Posted 26 December, 2022.
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29.1 hrs on record
Superhot VR is not a copy of the original Superhot with added VR, it is in fact it's own game and story. That being said the story in both Superhot games is abstract and mostly hinting at things that might be going on.

Superhot VR's graphics and sounds are unique and abstract also, but they work really well in the context of the gameplay. A minimalist style allowing you to simply focus on the slow motion. The break sequences between combat use a more detailed art style but this lets you realise you are entering and exiting a game within a game.

The gameplay itself is the selling point of superhot and whilst it will take you a little while to adjust to not moving around unless you want time to move, once you adjust it is that exact feature that immerses you fully into the world, you feel more and more like it is real as you go on which only helps to convey the points the plot is trying to make.

As far as comfortability goes, the game uses a fixed position with no movement at all, it will however require you to grab things far away, crouch and dodge bullets so a medium to large play space is recommended.

The mechanics of the game are easy to pick up, grabbing, throwing, shooting and dodging all come naturally to you and you find yourself getting faster and more accurate as you play. Some moves such as throwing knives or bottles can be tricky to aim, but if you pull it off the satisfaction in gameplay is amazing.

On my rig the game ran 100% perfectly with no slowdown or stuttering, I didn't notice any tearing, lag, or obvious bugs or broken features as I was playing through the whole game, very well executed.

Overall I would recommend this game fully to anyone who has a PC VR system, even if you have played the normal Superhot this game will surprise you and the gameplay feels super immersive.
Posted 26 December, 2022.
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28.7 hrs on record
Do you want to feel like John Wick shooting bad guys to a banging soundtrack? Of course you do!

Pistol Whip is one of my favorite VR experience. The ultimate goal in VR is to make you feel awesome. Pistol Whip NAILS that.

I actually feel like John Wick moving through these fantastic abstract vignettes, changing my shooting position, dodging bullets and obstacles all while nailing my shots to the beat of the banging soundtrack.

Get this game!
Posted 26 December, 2022.
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19.8 hrs on record
A Super Solid Eastern MMO with dedicated Devs. Story is below average at first, but picks up quickly and has a wealth of interesting and meaningful side quests. There is no lack of content, this game having been under active update and development in the KR and RUS regions for years, and at the current rate would take me over a year to finish out all of the content on offer. The graphics and animations are stellar, and combat feels both impactful and skilful, specifically when getting into Guardian Raids, Chaos Dungeons, and Abyssal Dungeons.

On top of this the game is free to play, although it does have a cash shop and this shop is the main source of revenue for the game. The cash shop consists of primarily quality of life upgrades and skins/mounts, but there is ways of directly using the cash shop to gain power in a way that some may call pay to win. The Devs at this time have stated that they will be watching the cash shop and opinions of the players closely, and making changes if they deem it necessary, even if it cuts into their shop revenue. This statement is backed up by the Dev's track record of having done this in the past in other regions.

Overall I am excited to see where this game heads, and in its current state could continue to be one of if not the current most popular MMO in the west, having surpassed 1.3M Concurrent players on steam, if only 20% of the peak players are retained in the game, that means it would still have a healthy player base of over 250k players. Far more than a majority of current MMO's in the west.
Posted 26 December, 2022.
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26.8 hrs on record (23.0 hrs at review time)
Let's just put the dodgy servers aside for a second because honestly, someone needs to solve this on an industry level as regardless of studio size this is a fairly regular occurrence.

Fall guys is a great dumb and fun experience and I really can't see how it hasn't been done before but I am positive it's going to be replicated going forward.

Controls are simple, games are straightforward. Anyone who has played a video game will have a shot at getting through the first few rounds and there is enough variety in the games that it doesn't feel like a slog.

Replayability is high and if you can gather some friends at a party it's a good laugh which we all probably need right now.

If you are looking for depth in your games this probably isn't going to suit plus the split on skill and luck can often be 50/50 so I'm not 100% sure how they plan to take this forward competitively but it's easy to watch so the potential is there.

As the Devs go forward with new levels and adjust the current one it's only going to be a more entertaining, simple formula well executed. Good luck to them all.
Posted 26 December, 2022.
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7.2 hrs on record
Oh boy. I don't even know where to start. Gorgeous graphics. Tight fighting and traversal. Suitable for fast-traveling locations. Early access development was a treat and there will be a free update. Much work has been put into balancing to satisfy both casual gamers and masochist veterans. The timed door mechanic is very well implemented - you have the option to move slow even on maximum difficulty, but there are still rewards if you do.

The amount of valid character builds is staggering: two bows, two shields, spamming grenades or turrets, pulling your enemy with a chain-like scorpion from Mortal Kombat and teleporting behind him to use the backstabbing ability of your dagger and the list continues on. Each weapon or skill has a different feel and caters to a certain play style without limiting the combinations too much.

The progression is facilitated by an early game, which adds movement options and opens up different routes to the final boss. The mid-game involves unlocking permanent upgrades and weapons on the one hand and getting the skill to survive the higher difficulty levels on the other. A lot of subtle mechanics assist the player in advancing in skill, which in my opinion smooths out the grinding curve. The end game is pretty meaty with daily competitive daily runs ( accessible from early game on ), tons of stuff to finally unlock and play around with and a challenging difficulty setting that deserves its name, unlocked by repeated play of games +.

However, later on, while the normal difficulty setting is very forgiving and allows you to refill your health potions after each level, there will only be the option of buying one swig (of four) for a ridiculous amount of gold, severely hurting the build. The same principle is applicable to enemy types and numbers. Players are shaped by trading hits and sweeping through the levels like a piece of art.

It's a must buy for any seasoned gamer for the amount of more or less well hidden references to other games, often nodding to its predecessors. Motion Twins' love for their game is evident in the game. In my humble opinion it is a milestone for the genre improving in many aspects on the already very successful 'The Binding of Isaac'.
Posted 26 December, 2022.
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26.3 hrs on record
I went into this game without any knowledge or expectations, other than it was set in The Walking Dead universe.

The first thing that really surprised me was the feeling of dread and vulnerability you get as soon as you start the game. As the game progresses you get to experience several things, meet people, and face dilemmas that really make you think. The main story is engaging and kept me interested through the game. I genuinely screamed a few times out of surprise from sneaky zombies!

In terms of the actual VR part, the immersion is second only maybe to HL Alyx, the controls are pretty solid, and responsive. The weapon mechanics are pretty fun and distinct between each, and you need to handle weapons in a decently realistic way which I really liked.

Most of the game mechanics are pretty good and although you might feel a bit lost at first, you quickly learn what works and what doesn't, and eventually make progress.

In terms of what could be better: I would like deeper characters, as most feel very "NPC", also, there are way too many things that should be usable against zombies or people. Also, branching stories depending on the moral choices would be nice!

And I won't spoil the game, but I wholeheartedly recommend trying it!
Posted 26 December, 2022.
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149.1 hrs on record (146.7 hrs at review time)
GTA 5 is absolutely amazing and one of best games I've played. There's a metric f*ck ton of content, the world is huge and looks fantastic. The game is very well optimized for PC, there are options for everything you can wish for and the controls are great. The graphics are stunning and I get 60+ FPS on a high-mid range PC.

The story shows in an entertaining and satirical way how f*cked up the U.S. intelligence services are. Switching between the main characters offers a nice change of pace. There are also a lot of side quests, some with their own story and some generic, but all fun.
GTA Online offers just as much content as the single player. Coop missions, races, PvP, side activities and heists, which are awesome, IF you can find some good team.

It's a pity you can't choose your own car for the story, as the default cars are very unspectacular. You can of course use another one, but you risk losing it during the missions, along with all upgrades - even if it was stored in the garage.
The other thing that distracted me a few times is the weapon selection: Hot keys don't make sense, because instead of equipping the selected weapon, they cycle to the next weapon and equip that. Your weapon choices also aren't saved properly.

GTA Online sometimes has connection issues and doesn't really have any "working" kind of cheat protection. Heists are a great addition to the game, but unfortunately when you complete a heist only the host can progress his heist quest. Rockstar Social Club is pretty bad all around (UI flaws, not enough server resources, lack of functionality).

Overall GTA 5 is an outstanding game that sets the bar higher for the quality of all future games in most categories.
Posted 24 December, 2022.
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