9:18 PM - Dex_^ #JIMBFF #PURP: wtfs a palindrome
9:19 PM - Gatorr: no its not dude

8:19 PM - 16bit.dexterity: im playin with sunglasses on
8:19 PM - 16bit.dexterity: GOML

8:14 PM - 16bit.dexterity: wana DM in source?
8:14 PM - 16bit.dexterity: :p
8:14 PM - 16bit.dexterity: dude
8:14 PM - 16bit.dexterity: i tried this
8:14 PM - 16bit.dexterity: like
8:14 PM - 16bit.dexterity: DM to 200 frags
8:14 PM - 16bit.dexterity: with weights on your arms.
8:14 PM - 16bit.dexterity: its so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ridiculous
8:14 PM - 16bit.dexterity: LOL
8:14 PM - 16bit.dexterity: play games + get a workout
8:14 PM - 16bit.dexterity: thats like the best way to go

Currently Offline
Watties -__^ 2 Oct, 2011 @ 8:27pm 
This expansion is horribly overpriced and obviously rushed. I got sick of seeing the same zombie model over and over again, I barely noticed the uncommon common, the level design is atrocious, and the AI is pants on head retarded. I had my full team of AI players stand next to me and watch a hunter rip me from 80 health to dead. You can no longer enjoy the environments on anything above easy because the game spawns the mini hordes like the Director is having a seizure on his spawn button. While small, the posters don't show your player names on them like the old one. All of the new items are stuff that you can get in the first one with a simple script set. YES the first one has incindiary ammo, lazer sights, ect. The extra guns are just different designs with no difference. All melee weapons do the same thing and could have easily been a dlc into the first one. The worse part of all is that its near impossible to navigate on half the levels.
John Wick 29 Aug, 2011 @ 4:31pm 
I love you babe.
Dexterity 9 Aug, 2011 @ 7:38pm 
miss u gator lol
Dexterity 5 May, 2011 @ 8:19pm 
i love you.
DeVouR Of +} 29 Mar, 2011 @ 3:30am 
10:06 PM - EpOx: cant play
10:06 PM - EpOx: with low sense its ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ gayer than an aids ridden pigmy shrew raping me with a black mans 10 inch ♥♥♥♥