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4.6 hrs on record
Call of Duty? A bit of Max Payne? But ghosts? And everyone is animes?


- Looks really nice for being probably 80% assets.
- Starts off abit lolrandom but the story and writing is really not bad
- Pretty varied levels and gameplay, its not all just shooting


- Maybe a few too many siege/defense scenarios
- Text in cutscenes often pauses longer than seemingly necessary, which also delays the cutscene. Makes quite a few of em feel weirdly drawn out
- Ya throw grenades left handed which misaligns them with the crosshair. Its possible to switch shoulders tho

Tld;dr: If ya want a wack short lil shooty game definitely recommended
Posted 28 November, 2024. Last edited 28 November, 2024.
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9.0 hrs on record
Freaky FPS-RPG

Unfortunately for what is mainly an FPS the shooting part is kinda ass and only slightly improves as you get better weapons. Combat is superfast, early weapons are inaccurate while you can die fast up close and on top of that most humanoid enemies constantly, spastically bunnyhop like its Counterstrike or something. First few encounters were abit of a "uh oh did i buy garbage" moment for me.

What it gets right instantly imo is creating an interesting world. The good music and the kinda crude graphics work together to create quite an outlandish, immersive experience.

Theres two larger, open maps with mostly simple quests like kill things or get things, alot of optional ones too

The organ stuff is kinda neat, you can take em from dead enemies and they have different stats and such. However since they all degrade pretty fast i mostly just stuck with HP boosters, replacing em after each battle, became abit of a chore. Theres a few special, fun ones tho.

The second map crashed on me rather often, also had some bugged quests, nothing gamebreaking tho.

If i could change one thing id remove the bunnyhopping. Dunno if this game needed to be more difficult, i doubt anybody is gonna play this for the stellar gunplay (hint this is sarcasm) and the dumbass, moronic bouncing enemies work against the main thing this game has goin for it, the atmosphere.

I had alot of fun with it but its prolly not for everyone, id recommend buying when theres a slight discount maybe
Posted 29 October, 2024.
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0.2 hrs on record

Demo had a bunch of severe bugs already. One where ya moved at lighting speed, that got fixed. Then another where when playing the female character she just dissapeared when entering the second screen, that didnt get fixed.

Bought this anyway, still potentially interesting. In the first room of the game youre supposed to kill a monster to proceed. I cant because it just zooms around me at lighting speed and hit detection doesnt work at all.

Posted about that on the games forum. No acknowledgement after 2 days, so with no ETA when or if at all this is gonna get fixed i requested a refund. Maybe a few patches down the line when this isnt totally broken ill try again
Posted 26 October, 2024.
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18.9 hrs on record (11.6 hrs at review time)
Fun Silent Hill Lite

Very nice retro-ish graphics. Upon closer inspection some low res textures and the like but the game makes up for that in style and design. Theres a level with a park area that has partial "huge and barren first map design" syndrome but thats the worst i could say, really not a big deal

Pretty good music. Very spooky atmosphere

Some light puzzles and abit of exploration, the game is pretty linear. Not terribly hard on the standard difficulty

Melee combat is abit quirky. Usually youd expect a 1-2-3 combo with 3 different attacks only if ya press the buttons fast enough and otherwise a reset to attack 1, but in this youll always do attack 1 then 2 then 3 in order regardless. Since each has a different windup, range or speed this could be confusing at first. Shooting/aiming is fine

Camera sometimes abit spazzy or unhelpful but nothing too bad

No ink ribbon limited save crap but some late parts of the game have rather big stretches without save points. On the second playthru when i knew what was coming no problem. The first time not so much, paranoia (it is a survival horror game after all) made me do a few tedious treks back to the only save in the map, but maybe thats on me

Tl; dr: Good, buy
Posted 28 September, 2024.
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12.2 hrs on record
Pretty fun.

Save System: Played almost every Resident Evil more or less on release and that kinda System is just not my thing anymore. I still get the "Iron Man" appeal to some extent but to me it mostly boils down to redoin stuff when ya die, cheapening the initial experience and turning it into a chore. However its manageable. The game itself isnt terribly hard and gives out the "ink ribbons" often enough, if you get one its usually a good idea to save. Late game i even had a surplus.

Combat: Boils down to "knock it down then get some crowbar in to save ammo". Enemies usually are pretty agile with a fair bit of autoaim/fast turning and wide attack hitboxes so i found melee only shenanigans mostly just risky. Sometimes janky autoaim veering off to the side for no reason. Still pretty fun.

Graphics/Music: nice

Puzzles: 85% sensible

Early game has dutch angle overload and some almost hilariously inconvienient cinematic angles in some fights. Calms down after a while.

Tl;dr: Neato. If limited/restricted saves p*ss you off maybe buy when theres a slight discount (i did)
Posted 18 July, 2024. Last edited 18 July, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
18.7 hrs on record
Fun Kings Field-like


- Very good music
- Good exploration with lotsa stuff to find and secrets
- Combat is what youd expect. Hold mousebutton to charge, hit enemy, evade repeat but theres a big variety of weapon and spells so it doesnt get boring


- Graphics/Level design is overall fine but can range from great and atmospheric areas with lotsa details to samey and bland tunnel mazes. The latter might be intentional in places to make ya get lost but still
- no quicksaves. I woulda appreciated havin to do less walking to savepoints sometimes, not really a big deal tho
Posted 12 June, 2024.
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33.6 hrs on record
Fun lil action rpg

- Graphics might take some getting used to but most of it is the neon pink sky, rest of the game has a pretty normal color palette

- Rewarding exploration, very funky unique world

- Combat is simple but does its job. Boils down to wacking enemies and then moving out of the way while they try to hit you back or shooting them with spells or bows and the like. Theres a parry, never used that tho. Decent variety of melee and ranged weapons and spells and theyre all fun to use.

Its pretty easy but i didnt mind, prolly the only way to make it more difficult would be beefing enemy HP or damage and again with the simple combat all that would do is making it more tedious in my opinion. I found the very combat heavy endgame kinda boring (saved by being visually impressive) and right as i write this apparently difficulty for that got increased, soo dunno.

Comparisions to Morrowind are abit much, maybe more Kings Field-ish id say?

Tl;dr : Good
Posted 24 May, 2024. Last edited 25 May, 2024.
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48.2 hrs on record
Cant go wrong with this one if you like metroidvanias.

In story mode youll encounter some invisible walls early on where Tevi goes "this is the wrong way" or something to funnel you towards some story bits. Before buying myself i saw some reviews decrying the game as "linear" because of this, just nonsense. Granted its abit strange but prolly done because of the free-roam mode - else why not put locked doors or a more natural obstruction there - and again its just early on and like a few instances, after that youre free to go where you please.
Posted 19 February, 2024.
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3 people found this review helpful
45.2 hrs on record
Looks simple but theres alot going on under the hood.

Lotsa quirky systems. No experience or leveling, "spells" and attributes are associated to gods and you gain points to get them by doing almost achievement-like stuff like finding ruins or items. No mana either, you charge your spellpower by hitting stuff. A kinda Morrowind-ish dialogue system with keywords altho not that indepth. Starting out combat is pretty much bumping into each other until something dies but it can get pretty tactical later on, good variety of enemies with different behaviors too.

Kinda meh:

- Lava/Fire is a pretty common and without fire protection extremely cancer environmental hazard and you only get that by donating to certain cities so their shops randomly get certain items, not that readily apparent
- Some of the main dungeons are maybe abit long, coulda done with one less floor maybe. Would still murder the unprepared (especially still without checkpoints) and be less of a slog for endgamey beefed up characters

Nevertheless really fun. And free to boot :o
Posted 9 November, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
14.1 hrs on record
Really atmospheric first person adventure game with kinda stinky combat


- Looks great. Most levels dont seem to have lighting, none of the textures are that high res, most models are kinda primitive and nevertheless it looks fantastic. In some areas it does use lighting or other effects and it looks really great

- Great music. It does the Tomb of Elemental Evil thing and uses very synthy music, gives it a very otherworldy feeling

- Pretty good exploration gameplay. Its somewhat linear but the individual levels are semi open and can be pretty huge

- Fair bit of gameplay variation. Theres not just "run around and kill stuff" gameplay, in some sections ya do different stuff


- Ammo can only be found and when picked up it gets consumed regardless if it filled 1 or 10 shots. Kinda triggered my FPS brain, ya know the "remember where the ammo is, preferably use that weapon and then backtrack and grab it when enough ammo is used" thing. Kinda took me outta it, might just be me tho

Not so good:

- Combat is....tolerable veering into tedious. You only have ranged weapons (theres axes and swords but ya throw those lol) and theyre all mostly projectile based, kinda slow and innacurate. The enemies on the other hand are often small, fast, have sometimes scuffed hitboxes and erratic movement patterns. Alot of them attack by running into you and doing contact damage and theres no iframes so enjoy rapid red flashing and your dude goin ughughughuhg while you rapidly lose health

There is some amount of fun to be had in kinda mastering the handling of the different weapons but the enemies are mostly just annoying

Towards the end the game ramps up in difficulty abit too which aggravates these problems. But either due to coincidence or good design it never reached a point where i woulda seriously just quit. I just wish the combat was a little less..crap then the game would be near perfect

Nevertheless really great game, recommended
Posted 15 October, 2023. Last edited 15 October, 2023.
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