GHSTlordlambert   South Yorkshire, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Hey guys welcome to my steam profile i do mobile gaming, console gaming and pc gaming i have a small youtube channel called GHSTlordlambert its not that big but its a start we all have to start small at some point your wolcome to check my channel out.
I love my motorsport im a mega f1 fan, i mainly go on racing games and i love playing pokemon too.
Currently Offline
dick dastardly 29 Dec, 2017 @ 11:40am 
so there was this bunny named elf and he had an owner named benny and benny loved the rabbit. 1 day the rabbit and benny was taking for a walk and then they ran in 2 a girl who also wlaked with her bunny and it’s name was cammie.
her name was beth. beth and benny went 2 starting dating and 1 day they were having unprotected sex and weren’t watching their bunnies like good pet owners should be. then the rabbits both ate hand grenades and exploded. then their exploded bunny parts were buried but the bunny parts turned into smaller bunny babies and clawed their way form the ground and attacked people who have unprotected sex.
if you don’t pass this along 2 12,000 people, bunnies will bite your penis off and they will bite your vagina off 2 and then they’ll eat ur eye balls until they can drink ur eye socket blood. i broke this chain letter and now i’m died.