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4 people found this review helpful
5.0 hrs on record
The Voice Acting

The voice acting is brutal in English. Lip syncing with the 3D models is still just as bad as Danganronpa Another Episode, a game which was released over 10 years ago. The lip syncing looked fine in Japanese, so I’m guessing they just simply do not care about English speaking players, lol. Also the voice acting was really weird in parts. I remember Shuichi going “WAIT!” or Keebo going “That’s robophobic!” when unvoiced lines would play. In this game, the ENG VAs made the innovative choice to make strange erotic noises whenever unvoiced lines appear. Yeah, no, I’ll probably stick to Japanese this time around. Except that’s kinda busted too because the translation is pretty terrible from my very limited understanding of Japanese. So pick your poison. Or, you know, devs could just properly translate the game.


The music is very nostalgic. You can hear hints of songs from the older Danganronpa installments flare up every now and then, yet it still retains its own identity. Masafumi Takada brought his A game for this one, I just hope that there are more than one or two fighting themes so that the current fighting theme doesn’t become insufferable by the 7 billionth battle.

The Characters

Characters are very hit or miss. Takumi seems like several steps back from Shuichi, but still more interesting than Yuma. I say this as someone who has played a demo of a 30-40 hour game, so maybe his character arc will eclipse that of even Shuichi. Here's to hoping. Hiruko is very interesting to me. In the demo she’s clearly portrayed to be the cutthroat leader of the SPU. I can’t wait to see her character arc. Darumi is awesome. I love her. She is a walking stereotype of the average Danganronpa fan after V3, and its genius. She's a gross, depraved, insane, lonely, insecure, unpredictable, perverted degenerate. She could only ever exist in a world as ridiculous as this. I hope I can force Takumi to become her husband. Everyone else I'm kind of indifferent to as of now.

It's not all great though. There are characters who have literally nothing going for them in the demo so far, like puke lady and the small bear hat guy. Puke lady’s defining trait is she almost always vomits when she gets nervous, and the small bear hat guy cries about how useless he is all the time which gets annoying very quickly. All of the characters' sprites are immaculately crafted yet again by Rui Komatsuzaki. It's cool to see his art-style evolve over the years. The 3D models look even better than they did in Raincode.

Widescreen Support

Widescreen is just straight up broken lol.

Other Minor Details

The flavor text and amount of things you can interact with in a room feels really dumbed down compared to even Danganronpa 1. I will say though, when the flavor text is actually present, it is pretty good. I inspected a window in the men's bathroom like 20 times and it eventually said something like, “The window opened on its own!... Or maybe I'm just going crazy staring at this window for 5 minutes.” I know most people will skim right passed that stuff, but it's cool that it's there. Unfortunately there's just not a lot of stuff to inspect. Most classrooms are empty and feel dull and pointless. There's no weird drawings on the blackboards or even a scan mode you can activate to inspect every interactable thing in the room. Speaking of which…

Scan mode has been seemingly replaced with exclamation marks obviously labeling the things you need to interact with. This is a terrible change. I get that not everyone liked the way Danganronpa handled interacting with stuff when investigating, but this just seems like such a step backwards. I don't think labeling the things you need to find with a big purple exclamation mark is the answer to this problem.

Characters usually won't ever be walking around in the halls outside of free time, and in the rare instances they are they usually only have one throwaway line of dialogue. This bums me out cause I loved having stupid meaningless conversations with characters on the way to the dining hall in the Danganronpa games, it was a way to interact with characters outside of free time events that added so much. Overall this just feels like a total downgrade. Free time in specific was not fully present in the demo, so I can’t comment directly on that. Hopefully that’ll be top notch.

An Obvious Conclusion

They also spell out in 5 bajillion different ways that everything in the beginning of the game was probably a simulated memory. Characters will periodically state how odd it is how none of them met each other in the Tokyo Residential Complex, Takumi is weirded out by only being able to remember memories of his childhood, Sirei jokes about how their first time using hemoanima “totally happened”, Hiruko says she's been killing invaders longer than she can remember, and then everyone flat out says that's impossible because none of them besides her even knew what invaders were before coming to the academy. Also there is a LITERAL EERIE ASS VR TRAINING ROOM WITH A BUNCH OF PODS. That's probably how they all got to the academy. Not through a magical space anus.

I really hope this gets resolved early and doesn't turn into one of those classic Kodaka bits where you already solved the case, and now you get to sit back and wait for the characters to figure it out for themselves over the course of the approximate lifespan of a supermassive black hole with a mass of 20 trillion solar masses.

Closing Argument

Something about this game feels really off. It kinda gives off the same feeling as looking at my buddy standing next to me in the dark woods at night, and every nerve ending in my body is screaming that’s not your friend, that’s a skinwalker wearing your friend’s face. It feels like this game is a front. I’m on edge expecting everything around me to come crashing down at any given moment. I don’t know any other way to put it than that. Every one of Kodaka’s games has had this giant twist at the end of them, but with this one it’s almost like it’s expecting you to be expecting a twist, and I don’t know how to feel about that. I will definitely be checking this game out when it releases.


I want to hug Darumi tightly and feel her warm wet tears flow down my chest...
Posted 23 February. Last edited 23 February.
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120.8 hrs on record (51.0 hrs at review time)
The game is buggy and broken.
Posted 28 November, 2024. Last edited 29 November, 2024.
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3 people found this review helpful
32.2 hrs on record (32.1 hrs at review time)
pyro bad
Posted 6 July, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
1.9 hrs on record
Here's my GAMING review of this game
Posted 2 December, 2022. Last edited 2 December, 2022.
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24.0 hrs on record
Played SoC a billion times, never got into this until very recently cause people say its extremely boring.
Personally I think its a step up from SoC in that it feels much more polished and the gun fights are some of the best I've had the pleasure of fighting. I solo'd the military base by the rookie village which took around half an hour, only for another regiment to spawn right in front of me and begin shooting me while I was still looting their dead comrades corpses. The story is much more grim than SoC's almost everyone that is in this game, including everybody in Clear Sky. The Clear Sky faction is written to be the most likeable faction out of them all and they don't exist in any of the other games so that's another huge reason to check this out. If you're a big fan of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise odds are you'll enjoy this one a lot.
Posted 23 June, 2022. Last edited 29 November, 2024.
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41.9 hrs on record (33.0 hrs at review time)
After thirteen years in development, hopefully it'll have been worth the weight.
Posted 28 November, 2020.
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5 people found this review helpful
15 people found this review funny
47.6 hrs on record (1.9 hrs at review time)
Mouse support? Where we're going, we don't need mouse support.
*connects Rock Band guitar controller*
Posted 17 October, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
0.1 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
very cool game i like a lot
Posted 3 July, 2019.
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3 people found this review helpful
73.6 hrs on record
I liked chaos;head more
Posted 17 August, 2018. Last edited 29 November, 2024.
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3 people found this review funny
46.7 hrs on record (12.5 hrs at review time)
its like a war
with human tanks
i hope this helps
Posted 1 June, 2015.
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