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182.1 hrs on record (165.9 hrs at review time)
Brilliant game in every way. Story, exploration, roles, quests, diversity, action... the list of pros is endless and I haven't found a con (other than my horrid luck on dice rolls, but that's rng, not the game).
150+ hours and still not out of act 2. so much content. Loving this journey and can't wait to play with friends once I complete the story.
Posted 28 November, 2024.
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80.3 hrs on record (21.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game fulfills all my horror needs when I'm looking for a scary game.
I love the interactive aspect of this game. Asking the ghosts questions, waiting in a dark scary environment for responses or sounds, using different methods to identify the ghost you're dealing with and getting freaked out when you realise you gotta get a picture of it as an objective :'D.... Just epic and so well thought out.
This game has so much potential to become the best coop game I have played if it just gets more variety to it e.g. more spirits in one mission, more specific responses to questions and more maps etc.

I love this game, and it's especially scary in VR. Can't wait for improvements and if a bigger dev team takes this up it's gonna become even better!
Posted 25 November, 2020.
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4,657.5 hrs on record (1,744.1 hrs at review time)
Friends told me to buy it... I said nah!
Friends forced me to buy it... Now I regret every second I never had this game.
Endless fun (with a side order of rage and salt).
I would recommend this game a thousand times over, simple if you want it to be, tough when you start progressing.
Best sport game on the market :D

Update 27/11/19: Still playing.. Never ending fun. Although much more stressful at higher skill level. Heart rate booster for sure XD
Posted 22 November, 2018. Last edited 27 November, 2019.
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118.4 hrs on record (79.2 hrs at review time)
Killing floor is nothing short of excellence.
For a game that simply involves killing waves of undead enemies, it is immensely fun. The leveling up of particular classes requires time and plenty of kills but once achieved, the rewards are great. Discounted weapons to be able to buy them at earlier waves; more damage for when you want to up the difficulty (biiig difference when this happens); and different benefits depending on the class.
It is a particularly fun co-op game (almost impossible on single player at harder difficulties, some achievement if you do complete it) because you need to work as a team to take down the hoards of enemies heading towards your group of survivors. Welding doors to make a kill corridor or just to buy you some time adds to the suspense in the game and is a great feature.
All in all, this game makes for a brilliant, fun, 'just kill em all' game. The only thing I could criticise (and this is actually just a funny point) would be the trader... When she moves to a different location, you can still see her standing in the old trade shop and she likes to run so far away that you struggle to buy anything in time unless you head there before the end of the wave... So much for that hold off spot you wanted to get back to ha!
I highly recommend this game to anybody who wants to blast zombies to bits and do it with friends for extra fun.
Posted 1 July, 2014.
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