31 時間プレイ
It has fantastic visuals, from landscapes to character design. It has a wide array of guns and gadgets that you can choose from. It has an immersive atmosphere. It has a good story, but....
The game suffers from filler. This could have easily been a 8-12 hour story, but they chose to double that amount in favor of adding boring, unrewarding, and tedious missions.

For 10-15$ on sale, you should get it, but don't feel obligated to finish it. There is no sequel and your life won't change by the events of this story. If you like to aimlessly take on hordes of zombies, this is as good as it gets.

Story Missions
You always have to do some task for one of the characters so they let you advance the story.
Want to find your wife? Go spy on these agents and listen to their conversation.
Want to rush back to your camp and save them in the climax of the story? You must first clear a few enemy camps that are completely out of the way.
Someone about to die? lets have a nice walk with an old man around the camp to discuss something unrelated to the current events.

Follow/companion mission involve you following a path or circling an area where the NPC is always 20ft ahead. This game has positional audio, so when they are that far, you can barely hear them, and you can't sprint to catch up, there's always some distance.

Also the game has you take out 4 hordes almost back-to-back near the end of the game. Why leave them all towards the end? why not sprinkle them over the extent of the story so the player can experience them with different loadouts and gadgets?

Story Telling
The story was good, not great but good. Deacon, Boozer, and Sarah were my favorites. I also liked Iron Mike and the General because they had a....poetic connection. Taylor and Weaver offered some comic relief when things started to get dark near the end.

The game also lacks a main story progression counter. Instead you get these independent storylines that you can complete and they are tracked individually, so you never know how far you are in completing the main story.

If you are playing on controller, be aware that aim assist is turned off for any difficulty above Hard I. You also can't change the difficulty mid-game. You are locked in to that difficulty for the rest of the game and even NG+.

I really wanted to like this game. From the day it was announced, I knew this was my kind of game, but some technical choices left a sour taste, and left me wondering how some small changes could have made this one of the best games ever.

I truly hope Bend studios use the negative feedback this game has received by some people, me included, and implement the appropriate changes in their next IP. This game has soul, something very rare to find in today's gaming landscape.
3月3日 に最後にプレイ
3月3日 に最後にプレイ
3月1日 に最後にプレイ
GRxmcrxw 2024年2月4日 23時02分 
I LOVE YOU FRIBBZZZZ :china::steamthumbsup::steamthis:
Your Stepdad 2022年5月10日 15時41分 
+rep big normie tho
AvgVek 2022年5月8日 17時12分 
GRxmcrxw 2019年10月18日 14時45分 
a cool guy with great! decision making...