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5 people found this review helpful
295.4 hrs on record (225.6 hrs at review time)
Game is inundated with hackers, the and the games developers laugh at players begging for a better anti-cheat. The games community advisor doesn't care. There is genuinely no reason to buy or play this game until it is fixed.
Posted 5 January, 2024.
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63.1 hrs on record (17.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
A fantastic game at a mere $10 you will definitely get at least 10 hours of fun out of it. Grab 2 or 3 friends and go out and collect items.
Posted 19 December, 2023.
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35.8 hrs on record (18.7 hrs at review time)
16 years in development and they finally release a paid version of the game for sale. Even still, the game is available for free on their website even with this release. That speaks to the incredible effort and dedication that Zach and Tarn have to being great developers.

It's a once in a century game, nothing else like it in the world ever made, and it only ever gets better with new content the expand on the incredible depth. It is a hard game to get used to, and isn't always fun in the way a normal game is, but damn is it interesting. Deserves all its success and more.

Posted 13 December, 2022.
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11 people found this review helpful
1.2 hrs on record (0.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Long time fan of the Arma series, played for almost a decade and have all the content for all the games, over 3500 hours across different titles including Arma 2, Arma 3 and the DayZ Standalone. Hell I even played that weird free to play "project Argo game"
This just isn't good, the engine is. It runs well, looks beautiful and its clear this is a new generation engine completely capable of bringing Arma into a modern era.
That doesn't change the fact that this game, in this engine is just not very fun or interesting. Compared to something like Squad, which Reforger clearly is trying to emulate, it misses the marks in all ways. The gameplay loop largely consists of choosing a spawn point, and B-lining from it to the nearest of 3 capture points, and either dying to someone you never saw or getting on the point. All supported by janky and mediocre control schemes
You could also talk about the games lack of content, the fact it only has one map, 2 factions and like 4 guns but I don't actually care about that. It is Early Access after all, I am sure that both Bohemia and the community will add a lot of content to this game. My main issue is still just with the gameplay of it, it isn't fun or exciting. If they had just made a direct clone of Squad, with basically every mechanic copied, it would've turned out better. Hell, even the aformentioned project argo had a more fun gameplay feel to it.
Posted 17 May, 2022.
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300.6 hrs on record (289.4 hrs at review time)
Good game
Posted 29 January, 2021.
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16.1 hrs on record
Pretty solid game. For the $20 price tag its a good experience in arcade shooter fun, with some pretty solid stealth elements. Also pretty graphics/design. Solid choice for 20$ really good choice on a sale. About 15 hours of gameplay.
Posted 4 April, 2020.
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523.2 hrs on record (96.0 hrs at review time)
Its a pretty good game for free, however the grinding is INSANE. If you wanted to get to just the final Teir of one of the nations, and not all of the nations just one branch (Air, tank or Boat) it would literally take like years with just in game points, and the premium currency doesn't go very far.
If you play, don't hyperfocus on grinding out one nation. Enjoy the lower teired tanks. Its okay too because you play against only tanks of the same tier so you dont feel outclassed.
Posted 26 December, 2019.
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1 person found this review helpful
14.4 hrs on record (7.8 hrs at review time)
Takes about ~5 hours to beat the campaign, there are minigames and a few bonus "boss" battles but for the most part there isn't much else. I haven't tried multiplayer yet although that probably would add more gameplay. The AI is decent, although occasionally it would get stuck in the same line of thinking and fall of the same edge over and over again. I don't just mean once or twice but until they lose their ball entirely, and losing a ball isn't a small thing either, It's basically a guaranteed win for me after that. I like the games style and its very creative, I would reccomend picking this game up if you like tower defense games or indie games, however for the price of $15 it's a bit much unless you're sure you would get a lot of play out of it. However for $10 or less buy it.
Posted 15 January, 2018.
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2 people found this review helpful
13.9 hrs on record (13.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Ive played Miscreated for a total of 10 hours. I went into it not expeting alot, it has mixed reviews on steam and frankly looks like a DayZ knockoff. Ive played Rust, DayZ SA, DayZ mod, Epoch 2 and 3, Exile, breakingpoint you name it. Ive played pretty muh all the main zombie survival/openworld base building games so Miscreated didn't catch my eye as anything other than a cheap version when I first saw it. I even listed it as "not interesed" when I was doing a steam Queue however the sale made me revisit it when an old ArmA buddy reccomended it, 10$ wasn't too muh money so it was worth the cost if he said it was good.
In 10 hours of playing I have had as many fun and unique experiences as 50 hours of DayZ SA, and I've met more new people and added them as friends on steam than my entire 250 hours on DayZ. If I played Miscreated for as long as I have played DayZ, I would easily have 150+ new friends on steam and I would probably know everyone on every server on a first name basis, this games biggest advantage over other survival/zombie games is its player interation, food and melee weapons are common but guns are rare and ammo rarer, working in groups is beneficial and it isn't really worth it to kill most people you see, because of this players are more willing to settle disputes with words, intimidation, sneaking or friendship. Beause of this I have had conversations and adventures with people and befriended them in a really meaningful way that just doesnt happen in DayZ or similar games.
This game is wonky to say the least, AI zombies and wolves are cheesy, the animations are simple, the gun mechanics are clunky and the crafting is clunky too. I hope that those aspects of the game get ironed out over time. That leads me to another part of this game that attracts me to it, the devs seem to actually care about making the game better after seeing the poor reviews for the game, and the reviews of the game reflet that, I hope that eventually this game has a higher quality to all aspets of its gameplay and has a higher review to reflect that.
I reccomend this game to anyone who likes player interaction or getting new friends, as well as anyone who likes base building and survival in an open world. Just know that the game still feels early access
Posted 29 December, 2017.
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0.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Bought this thinking it would be a game like Dream Daddy, was garbage and is honestly not worth the money. my PB for speedrunning it is about 4:30 so I was 20 seconds off from WR, I think if people tried hard enough they could push this game to sub 4 minutes, which would be completely necesarry, because it ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sucks.
Posted 1 December, 2017.
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