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18.2 uur in totaal
I am writing this after realizing I never left something when I initially beat it. So I guess I'll summarize as best as I can:

This game is good and clearly showed where 3D Realms wanted to take their next steps, and in a good way. The weapons are awesome and the fights are staged in these almost cinematic ways that remind me of some of my favorite moments from Duke 3D.

However, the last half of the game was hit or miss with me, with some of the parts being an absolute CHOREHELL SLOG. The first half is so memorable. Final battle was very interesting. I love the weapon selection, and I gotta say my favorite weapons were definitely the fire SMG's. I know I know, the revolver right click is absolutely nuts and I used it a lot for the spider heads and laborous ambushes.

Check it out. The game has a great aesthetic, but heads up it is a lot more semi-serious of a tone if you are someone looking for a super non-stop humorous approach like Duke.

That is the best I can muster from memory. It took me a pretty long time to beat this, and I believe I played on the hard (ultra viscera) difficulty.
Geplaatst 20 oktober 2024. Laatst gewijzigd 20 oktober 2024.
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7.5 uur in totaal

Relevant Insights to my Cultic Exp:
- Played on Hard Difficulty
- Did not try to find every secret but found most of them
- Already have a sense for these kind of games
- Used most weapons, but the STEN was used the least. Focused upgrades: Pistol, Lever Action, Double Barrel, Grenade Launcher, Sniper.
- Biggest surprise: can get through most of beginning of the game with charged-up Axe melee with no problem, and also witnessing enemies kick away my TNT. That interaction was cool. Set piece setups are great, and no limitations to how far you can engage the enemies were a great breath of fresh air (and you CAN stealth things if you are able to, believe or not). Deciding whether or not to use a molotov/flamethrower/lantern vs dynamite/barrel changed up certain parts dramatically.

I like this game a lot. I think the dynamics of the game play are cool, the level designs are great albeit I am not sure why spiral stairs are such a headache for me in this game, the atmosphere is awesome especially the first time boxes thrown at you in the ship at you don't know why it's happening, music is spooky and sound design is great, the interlude is awesome and I wish there was some more of that, the puzzles are interesting, etc...; In regards to the stairs, I think it's an FOV distortion problem that I have but not sure if other players have. The graphics are great and the color palette is very unique if you take it all in. I love that each level is a giant sandbox with double-backing and looping that is on purpose! Great callback for me personally to games like Quake, Duke, and Doom.

It's definitely a 3D Realms game (which is good!) with the level exploration, traversal, and non-hindered use of the entire accessible environment pieces. The AI is definitely your typical AI with some of them being particularly fun to deal with whether it's the snipers laying down in some cases (although I didn't see it that much after the first official encounter with them), the Ghost Cultist throwing things at you and the panic that settles in when it starts like crushing your head or something with it's telekinetic powers, the shield cultists actually using the shield and being a nuisance, the chainsaw cultists second stage of rage, and just the overall aggressiveness of each AI works great for the levels that range from claustrophobic hallways to arena churches. I really appreciated that the monsters and undead were not part of this larger enemy spectrum - they were an opposing force to the cultists and you find them many times either at odds or separated with the cultists fortifying their locations to "defend" their selves from the undead onslaught. Nice touch. I love finding the notes and reading up on stuff. The fact I can pick up stuff to throw barrels and lanterns is great, and hands down one of THE most satisfying things was throwing an explosive barrel and timing shooting it right and watching it work.

I just got a few gripes: the interlude was VERY interesting and a great intro, and sometimes I feel that level of contrast isn't met by the end of the game. The sheer "♥♥♥♥ you" of cultists pretending to be officers was so good. I am glad the creepy factor stayed throughout and wasn't just blown on the intro. Something else that bothered me is the Sten is clearly better in the enemy's hands than mine. The church hold-out fight with the Cultists and Tank was very interesting and cool, until I realized the tank wasn't a real threat as long as I had the dynamite and grenade launcher handy which is only underwhelming in retrospect. However that boss fight was DOO DOO. The only reason I had to restart a few times was because of the cultists! That boss needs to hit the gym or something... or perhaps we'll see in Part 2 what's really the big bad? That's probably where the epicenter and culmination of this goes. After all, isn't the entire fight sequence of the game getting us ready for the finale anyway? Like Rocky training for the big night.

Closing: Great Game. I can't say I am used to needing to pay for a part 2 of this, but I think a part 1 with interlude on Hard Difficulty or more is where you're going to get the best experience out of this. I got 7.5 hours out of this which is longer than some other "boomer shooters" so it's still a good value. I think paying for a Part 2 is not bad especially if you want to support the efforts of 3D Realms; clearly there's a lot of love put into this game! If you're chasing times, achievements, and secrets then that's where your replay-ability is going to be along with the survival modes. I love that this feels like a voxel spiritual homage to Blood. I loved blowing things up and killing enemies in funny ways, and there's definitely a lot of Easter eggs in this game that you'll find. Yes, I did spend at least 30 minutes of my total play time scouring bathrooms to find the pissing cultist and I found him. Appropriately, I threw TNT at him.
Geplaatst 20 oktober 2024. Laatst gewijzigd 20 oktober 2024.
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29.5 uur in totaal
Fun and entertaining game that incorporate tons of cute sound effects, fun and dynamic action, an eye catching art style, and is very fluid. You can personal your animal in many ways with cosmetics you're given, unlockable cosmetics not only for your appearance but also your weapons, "death animation", etc... The extra game modes are a lot of fun as well when they're on rotation, and I think the zombie chicken infection one is probably my favorite.

There are some qualms I have which boil down to wait times and certain behaviors my friends and I have seen in matches, and they can seem minor depending on who you talk to: micro teaming up of opponents that won't attack and kill each other across multiple lobby queue's even if they're not in the same squad. We've all seen them, and it's annoying. My friends and I have ran into squads of these players repeatedly during a single night and there's nothing you can do but play it out normally. However, it can be overlooked because the core game experience is still there.

At this time in my playing of the game, I think I've reached my max amount of entertainment with the game and I still recommend others to check it out. It has rotating game modes, cosmetics, and an item shop. Devs put a lot of effort into curating this game and it's present.
Geplaatst 30 september 2024.
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20.7 uur in totaal (17.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I have been putting a lot time into this game so far, and it is much more time than I thought I would be putting into it. It has been enjoyable. It's a simple game, with satisfying visuals, sounds, life, and player inclusion.

This game is a great way to pass time and just test your ability to manage a simplified version of a tavern whether on its Easy, Normal, or Hardest difficulty mode. If you want the best experience out of the game, I suggest playing it on the hardest difficulty - eventually. My experience with Easy and Normal is that your tavern will grow extremely large very quickly, and if you're a player like me then you already had a fully flourished tavern and inn style with tons of staff before you built the 3rd floor. You will find yourself with quite a few speed bumps with trying to get the challenges or "arrows in the target so you can claim a reward."

I don't want to give hints away to strategy, but I will for the sake of insight. I can assure you that you'll eventually build so many tables, sleeping areas, and services that your business will almost always break-even (this means to get back what you paid out for wages and expenses). In my case, I end up 7K Gold the next morning everytime. You gain prestige and noteriety through the decorations, furnishings, amenities, and furniture you buy and install to get more customers and unique npc's, and you can hire musicians to entertain (coerces the crowd to stay longer and spend more gold). If you see what I am getting at then I have to address one thing: the game is pretty easy at a certain point (especially where I am at), and you consciously have to challenge yourself to expedite things to make it interesting for yourself. I have way too much prestige and income at this point.

This is good, though, as it really slows the pace of the game and adds to the management and spending portion. I realized the research was so extensive, that you may want to get an absurd amount of researchers if you're trying to speed-run this. Please, don't do that if you want a slow-roll type of world. I have 30 researchers and I realized I am just going day-to-day with 500K gold, 80K prestige, and 30 researchers (at this point in my run), with a few fires occurring that are easily tackled with a ton of fire extinguishers and staff. This is just not a great way for me to make myself experience the game but that may be the case for most hardcore players.

So, to my last point: the ability to create and mold your tavern into a place you would like to stay at is paramount. Personalize it, let your pre-1700's designer mind flow, Tamriel the frick out of it, make a garden, plan your spaces, etc... This way, you can at least rest your need to finish or beat the game (like me early on) and leverage more of a cool aesthetic.

This is overall a relaxing, fun game that you can put down and pick up where ever your last Save left off on. Once you get everything setup, the workers do all of the labor for you, but as a manager you have to guarantee their wage and training. So, really all you have to do is be a Tavern Managing Master. The biggest drawback is that I think the game is not punishing enough and is too easy. You can price the drinks however you want and the hotel rooms, and for some reason the patrons will just pay for it since game is game.

I give the game an B (and, no, I have not even got to last 80% of the research tree and challenges. Take a look at a completed play-through review for a different take.)
Geplaatst 17 januari 2024. Laatst gewijzigd 17 januari 2024.
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0.3 uur in totaal
Geplaatst 22 november 2023.
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28.5 uur in totaal (1.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
Early Access and is just great fun all around. Make sure to gurgle and scream when you die, and anticipate yelling "leeeeerooooy jeeeeenkiiiins" while charging a shipwreck
Geplaatst 19 juni 2023.
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20.4 uur in totaal (19.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I like this game but I don't love this game. Superficially, I think the marketing may have shot itself in the foot by touting itself Left 4 Dead roots with given developers. There is something here that is challenging and fun, but it is in no way a Left 4 Dead successor.

I think it would have been better brought to the gamers' attention as a challenging, 4 player co-op horror shooter but even the context of what should be or could be doesn't change how I feel about the game.

The special enemies, the bosses, and the common are interesting and some much more creative than I have seen in other games. The gunplay is dynamic and the melee is alright, the level design is pretty good. Sound design is cool and visual effects are cool.

What kills me are the things that *I want from it: I want much more benefit to melee, I want much more loose structure with the special enemy director, I want the ability for someone to be able to shoulder the one on one's against the special in order to get that rewarding experience of success rather than severe punishment, I want competent friendly AI... I want the experience of my squad against the AI to be fun and fair even on medium difficulty. I just am not getting it, and the ridiculous spawn rates and lack of practicality really robs me of my satisfaction. The guns and weapons feel powerful, but I am always so tiffed at the fact that I NEED explosives or a propane tank or gas tank just to survive a special infected situation at ONE point in the run; Guess what, the same situation is gonna happen again LATER in that level even before reaching the safe house, and my friends/squad will never be ready for it! And these are all only on Veteran difficulty.

I think a self-reflection would be that maybe I am not the most talented squad base game player - despite how many hours I put into L4D 1 and 2. So, why do even my most experienced friends have so much difficulty with the absurd AI and level mechanics? I feel the formula is just not adding up, and this game's style alienates casual and semi-casual players from the hardcore ones. I almost feel like you need the most over-powered META cards you could find with just obscene amounts of level practice.

This game has tons of high-production behind it, but it's just not as fun for me as I want it to be. My hats off to the triumphs made in this game, but I'll quickly put it back on for everything I dissatisfied with. I have confidence the game will improve, but as it stands it is a solid 7/10
Geplaatst 2 januari 2022. Laatst gewijzigd 2 januari 2022.
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20.6 uur in totaal
I had this game on the original Xbox that I bought used from a Blockbuster (when those were still around) and decided to get it on Steam about a year or two ago. I got around to playing it and just realized the 2nd one came out, so the timing couldn't be better!

I just beat this game, and I absolutely adore it. Double Fine is full of some of the most hilarious and artistic game developers out there, and it really shines in this adventure platformer puzzle solver game. I haven't laughed this much at a video game in a long time.

I have one gripe. One gripe that I must absolutely address: the finale (and I won't spoil it) has a certain spiraling net section that seems to force perspective on the player and it will drive you insane how frustrating the mechanics and camera direction don't work there. It will mess with your depth perception for the jumping technique you need to use, and just when you get to the top the camera can whip-around on you if you jump to close to the "person floating on a slab of meat"

But that is all a product of a ported game for a title that came out YEARS ago during the era of Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube. I recommend this, 100%. If I were to give it a rating I would give it 10 brains out of 10
Geplaatst 8 september 2021.
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3.9 uur in totaal (1.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Definitely a fun game while inebriated. Good Job, Coffee Stain
Geplaatst 8 april 2014.
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24.8 uur in totaal (8.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
The most ultimate fast paced shooter to have ever existed.
Geplaatst 16 juli 2012. Laatst gewijzigd 2 februari 2016.
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