Emeraldc56   United States
:iseeyou: I hate it here :iseeyou: COMMENT REASON TO ADD :iseeyou: TRADE LINK :iseeyou:
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PC - Alienware m15 R4

i hate it here, im not broke i buy StatTrak™, and my whole inventory was bought with blood money (from my blood to be specific)

CS2 nametag translations

Survival Knife | Forest DDPAT - "私利私欲満たせよ~" (fulfill your selfish desires) Associated song i quick sold the the number two highest float version on the market for this one because of the float :cocochan2:, who cares, be selfish, ♥♥♥♥ around and find out

M4A4 | Temukau - "僕ら巡りあうこと まさに一期一会" (For us to wander into each other - truly once in a lifetime) Associated song | for and from my beloved partner

MP5-SD | Phosphor - "傘を翳して世界を暈そうよ" (Let's hold up an umbrella and shade the world) Associated song | a craft a made with my beloved partner being there for each other, facing the world together

M4A1-S | Flashback - "無頼の牙 Thousand" (Fangs of the Relentless Thousand) Associated song | For kitsu

Ak-47 | Ice Coaled "パラノイア散々" (Displaced paranoia) Associated song | crafted in remembering my father and my gamertag

AK-47 | Neon revolution "愿夏天的遗憾 可以在秋天吹散" (May the regrets of summer blow away in the fall) from my older sister

Desert eagle | Crimson Web "不曾动摇的思念着远方的你" (I miss you from afar without wavering) from my mother

AK-47 | Slate "紀章の性的興奮剤" (kisho's sexual stimulant) from kishou lol XD

Desert Eagle | Mecha industries "澆薄くたばれ..." (To hell with a heartless person…) Associated song straight to the head, scorched earth

AK-47 | Slate "凛々しく生きませ 今宵は酔い好い" (Let us live gallantly as men, tonight we drown in euphoria!) Associated song
special showcase, there are NO items up for trade :)
what does this group even do tbh
Chloe 2 月 9 日 下午 12:05 
+Rep schizophrenic black guy screams in MvM, good laffs good time:cleanseal:
Nekus 1 月 18 日 上午 11:21 
Killer shot!
Shadowweaver 1 月 18 日 上午 10:04 
lets play together
Oopy Goopy 1 月 1 日 上午 5:25 
My favorite homosexual macaroon twink
YJB 2024 年 10 月 21 日 下午 4:11 
hi friendo this be YJB
trinidadian_nerd 2024 年 9 月 13 日 下午 10:40 
ham and cheese