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Recent reviews by Fevigen

Showing 1-7 of 7 entries
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81.6 hrs on record (76.9 hrs at review time)
Mye gode spill i 2023, men dette er kanskje det beste. Larion satset stort med dette spillet, og klarte landingen med lite problemer. Jeg har nesten ikke kommet over bugs, kan spille på Ultra med en 1070TI og replayability er veldig bra. 10/10, men Gale kan ta seg en bolle.
Posted 9 September, 2023.
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6 people found this review helpful
35.4 hrs on record
The bugs ain't the problem, it has massive issues with game design. This will never get fixed, and should be avoided at all cost.
Posted 23 February, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
283.7 hrs on record (205.0 hrs at review time)
Must be one of the best rts/tbs games out there
Posted 8 October, 2021.
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132.2 hrs on record (105.4 hrs at review time)
Story mode is fantastic and the online mode just keeps on growing
Posted 12 May, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
665.2 hrs on record (130.5 hrs at review time)
Great game, lots to do!
Posted 3 January, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
35.5 hrs on record (24.1 hrs at review time)
Its skyrim
Posted 28 December, 2019.
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2 people found this review helpful
147.1 hrs on record (10.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Very fun game to play, can't wait to see what more is to come in this game.
Posted 18 April, 2017.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries