i am a POLYMAHT!!1!

tihs is my yuotueb accuont
Etalase Pencapaian Terlangka
Nixpayn 2 Jan 2022 @ 11:04pm 
I tried updating your Wiseau Defense Force mod to SE but failed, I got it to show up in game, and the dog loaded but all the other models were invisible and there were no sounds :/ Any chance you'd be willing to update it?
Wes 6 Sep 2020 @ 9:23am 
Could you port this beautiful mod to Xbox One?
APE 27 Mei 2020 @ 1:07pm 
Could you port your Sloth Race/Follower mod to console versions of Skyrim SE? Like the xbox version for example. Anyway, thank you if you could, it'd be much appreciated.
Lucas 25 Mei 2020 @ 12:57am 
i curse you for making the Immersive Seizures and Diarrhea mod i curse you to never find love or happiness
Shaggaruk 17 Mei 2020 @ 9:46am 
How do I get IBS?
Itachi 22 Jul 2019 @ 1:31pm 
hey could i add u?