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0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 559.1 год. загалом (9.9 год на момент рецензування)
Додано: 9 січ. 2015 о 15:53

Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
To start out I want to say that this is still in early access. and as such some things may come across as left untouched or even just left out. Even still I played this far before I jumped on steam and purchased it from there. It has always held potential and left openingf for the community to come in and mod their hearts out.

All in All I would recomend this game to anyone, hardcore to begininers. You do not have to have experience to get the hang of this game. Its has a simplistic look on the complicated.

The gameplay is truly one of a kind. I have played many of other "Zombie" games and this truly delivers a unique look just as "State of Decay" did when it first came out. Hype to the Devs to continue the awesome work and also to the comunity that wants to expend with mods. will continue to play this and spread the infection to my many friends.
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