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1,283.9 hrs on record (1,148.5 hrs at review time)
Fun if you like stress
Posted 16 December, 2024.
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12.6 hrs on record (9.6 hrs at review time)
Its like End of Evangelion for a Kyo Ani series.

Sayori best girl. I´d really like to hang out with her.
Posted 19 November, 2017.
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838.1 hrs on record (349.1 hrs at review time)
Dark Souls 2, the only Dark Souls not directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki, but rather From Software´s B Team.

Right from the start, we see some small details that hints us the big difference between this and the previous Dark Souls. Comparing both, this one is way easier, not having any boss that made me almost rip my hair off like Ornstein and Smough did, except maybe Sir Alonne when I tried getting his unique death animation for the first time. And overall, it´s barely above average in terms of difficulty from your standard everyday RPG.

Another bad thing it has is a mechanic called Soul Memory, which determines your multiplayer matchmaking depending on how many souls you have acquired throught your journey. In theory, this sounds decent, but it is basically a must for any player that wants to do something multiplayer related to create another character so he isnt matched with people 100 levels above him, because a new player will die multiple times and wont exactly know what to invest in at all times.

But, besides a relatively mediocre singleplayer and a bad matchmaking mechanic which can be solved by wearing the Agape Ring (which is a must have for anyone who wants to actively PvP or co-op), this game is the most enjoyable out of the three, having a way more balanced and less glitchy PvP, more stable servers than the first game, an overall better PC port, etc.

Anyone who wants to start with Dark Souls, I would highly recommend this one if they want and easier time with the other 2 (and Bloddborne and Demon´s Souls if they own consoles).

NOTE: Another problem, which is more of a problem that I have is that reporting hackers here in Steam is very very hard, so watch out for that.
Posted 30 May, 2017.
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778.1 hrs on record (156.5 hrs at review time)
De los dos Dark Souls, este es el mejor para los que les interese la historia y el single-player. El Dark Souls II es más variado en cuanto a PvP, pero este tiene el mejor mapa, historias, argumento y definitivamente, los mejores jefes. Ambos tienen jefes que a nadie les gustó, como Pinwheel en el 1 o Prowling Magus en el 2, pero en el 1 hay muchisima mas variedad de jefes, está el legendario duo Ornstein y Smough, hay jefes geniales y disfrutables como Artorias y hay otros simplemente nivel dios como Gwyn. Agarren su espada, aprendan sus hechizos, recojan sus Estus y preparense para morir, pues esto, es Dark Souls.
Posted 18 January, 2016.
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