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soz | baka baka baka 22 Feb @ 7:02pm 
wheres the giveaway
Krak4n 3 Nov, 2023 @ 5:03pm 
stick to trading, how are you allowed in premier?
Chortle Monster 1 Nov, 2023 @ 8:17pm 
It's COOL to be virgin!
Post this on the wall of a virgin friend and tell them how much of a VIRGIN they are!
Shack 28 Sep, 2023 @ 3:58am 
Kai 25 May, 2021 @ 1:59pm 
the sun used to make our ouuttdoor deck and pa,tio sspce sso hot, and uncomfortable we tcoulldnt use it bbu then we .discovverredd the sun;;setter r etractabl.e aww ninn,,g ur sunsetter retra ctable awwning,, opeenns and closes in just s;;ixty se,,c,,onnds i t kepeys our patio about 20 degrees;s coooler it prvoiddes instant shade aannd protectioon rffom the sun;;s harmfull rays and.. our snsett tee\r cost underr seventy hundred dollaarrs butt noww yoou can get y,,ur su.nsetter for as littl;;e as 4,99 dollars whhen you call now tog eet thissppecial 2000 dollar discuonntt certtificate we love our Sunseqtteer retracc..table awnning and you are g,oiing to love yours too it transformss yourr outdoors from sweltering sun tto shaady oasis ni only .seconds call now for this fere adwninng idea kit pack with grre,at .awning ssolutions th,at will lpet yoouu enjoyy your deckk or patio mmuch mor often th,,is summmier pllus geet ths 200 dollar ddiscount c ertfiicate Tha
We 3 Jul, 2018 @ 1:12am 
it me barp simpin