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9.8 hrs on record (6.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
its fun
Posted 1 December, 2022.
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82.5 hrs on record (15.7 hrs at review time)
I made Hope County Great Again and all i got was this lousy Hurk Jr
Posted 5 January, 2021.
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2,084.6 hrs on record (1,964.4 hrs at review time)
Hearts of Iron IV is not for everyone, but if you like strategy of any description than HOI4 is worth at least trying.
Hoi4 is not the easiest of paradox's grand strategy titles to learn, I'd argue stellaris is an easier start for those new to the genre; but if you specifically enjoy 20th century history or a focus on war than Hoi4 has few competitors. Vanilla Hoi4 is a lovely experience even without DLC, and with the sheer number of total overhaul mods available you will find fresh experiences almost every playthrough.

Be warned however, all paradox grand strategies operate on a dlc model that can be rather expensive if your buying all at once. Paradox's business model works by giving free major updates with each DLC and sometimes between DLC releases, this means that Hoi4 will continue being updated for a long time and remain fresh in exchange for locking ever greater amounts of sometimes necessary content behind a paywall. Please, wishlist this game and its DLC and wait for a sale, they are frequent and feature up to 75% off for discounts. If your planning on buying dlc my recommended buying order is
  1. Man the Guns --- Amazing focus trees for the USA, UK, Mexico and the Netherlands. Be warned though, the naval mechanics introduced with this DLC are complex
  2. Waking the Tiger --- Amazing updates to Germany and Japan, China hasn't been updated nearly as much as it has needed to be so be warned.
  3. Death or Dishonor --- Collection of fun focus trees for the Balkans, and is very cheap if a little dated. Austria-Hungary is a highlight from this dlc
  4. No Step back --- The soviet tree is genuinely top tier, even if I am cut that there is no democratic path. Baltics can be fun but its not the greatest
  5. La Resistance --- The main french tree is fun, dont bother with either capitulated french tree. Portugal has a good tree, and whilst I enjoy spain it is not for everyone. Espionage is either going to be used every playthrough you do or once a blue moon depending on how you like to play
  6. Arms against Tyranny --- All of the trees included are enjoyable, Sweden especially being a highlight
  7. Battle for the Bosporus --- Bulgaria has an amazing focus tree, people either love or hate the Greek and Turkish trees. I personally enjoy the greek tree but not the turkish tree
  8. By Blood Alone --- Italy has the best democratic path in the game, and the rest of their focus tree is amazing. Dont play switzerland or ethiopia though its genuinely terrible and a buggy mess all around
  9. Together for victory --- Oldest DLC (I feel ancient for remembering when this came out), it was mediocre on launch and it has aged like fine milk. Buy it last or if you desperately want to play a commonwealth nation, and dont expect the greatest experience.
  10. Allied Speeches Pack --- Incredibly immersive, but lacking the quantity you'd expect from the dlc. I'd recommend just playing the speeches of off youtube whilst you play if you want this dlc. Also I dare paradox to release an Axis speeches pack
  11. Armor packs --- Adds new tank models, serves zero gameplay function and you can mod in better models off the workshop
  12. Radio packs --- Suprisingly good, also all uploaded to youtube.
Posted 24 November, 2018. Last edited 21 November, 2023.
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