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51 people found this review helpful
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17.5 hrs on record
Man I really wanted to like this and get into it, after knowing I liked the first game. Maybe I just didn't give it enough time, but the incessant "helpful" lines from Aloy for literally every step I made is just too much. I couldn't come to any conclusion on my own.

"What's back here?" when an off-path already grabbed my interest.
"I bet I can climb this wall" when I've already scanned and seen climbable ledges.
"I think I can climb up this cliff. I wonder if there's anything interesting at the top?" when I could literally see a signal tower from a distance.
"Another signal tower, I bet it has another lens I can grab for Raynah." when I have in fact, gotten 3 lenses prior.
"One of the signal devices. Should be a lens I can grab for Raynah." when I've reached the top of said tower.
"Got the lens. I can trade it with Raynah the next time I see her." when I grab the lens I literally just reached.
"Can't override that now. Need to get data from a Cauldron, if I can find one." when I've just walked past a machine I had no intent of trying to override.
"An enemy outpost, I could scan the area to see what I'm up against, and tag any rebels or machines in my Focus to keep track of them." when I have a brain capable of creating my own thoughts and plans.

This is constant. I have not paraphrased any of these lines intentionally, and if it has happened at all, it is minimal.

If you need constant handholding for any problem that has to be solved, you may enjoy putting up with Aloy's constant interjections and reminders. But I'm not IGN's top game journalist, I don't need to be told how to play the game at every turn. I like having a thought for myself every now and then.
Posted 18 March.
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27.7 hrs on record (22.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Motion Twin's spiritual successor to Dead Cells is a colorful, faster pace, multiplayer roguelike that really does make you feel like a storm.

After seeing the winning parts of dead cells, they looked at what parts were lacking or could be added and thought; what if this was possible? Alterattacks are a smart way of encouraging good weapon pairs and properly duel wielding, dashing is an instant teleport that also has no cooldown while going over gaps to make you feel even faster, and weapons are quick to use (barring some very heavy hitters).

Windblown isn't without its own qualities too of course, online co-op isn't seen too often in roguelikes and it feels quite good with how it's implemented here. I've only played up to 2 players, but from what I can tell 3 should not feel much too different. Sudden Death was a rather contentious mechanic, but as of writing this review, is being reworked Next Update in favor of something called Revenge, which is something to look forward to.

And on looking forward to things, Windblown has exceptional potential, considering Motion Twin has already proven themselves with their last early access title. A lot of feedback has been addressed already (again noting the quick rework of Sudden Death), fixes and tweaks are updated fairly regularly, and we're due for a major update quite soon after I post this.

Even if it's still quite Early in the Early Access, Windblown is 100% worth playing for a good amount of hours. I waited until I beat the game for the first time before writing this, and there are more difficulties above the first, so that should give you a fair estimate for early playtime.

Glowing recommendation, get it before a potential price increase in the future, enjoy what's there to enjoy, and get excited for future updates when you've had your fun for the time being.
Posted 3 December, 2024.
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33 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Maybe it's unfair to consider Survivors of the Void as the bar they had to reach, but Seekers doesn't even come close. Characters largely feel unsatisfying to play, and a large amount of the items lack synergy or are poorly designed. I'm not even considering the bugged launch state for this.

The only positives I can offer are the Stages, and the Music. Save your money, and go buy Chris' music on bandcamp instead.

There's plenty of good stage, item, and character mods on the downpatched version of the game, and ones that feel more fitting than what this DLC adds.
Posted 11 September, 2024. Last edited 11 September, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
69.7 hrs on record (40.7 hrs at review time)
The Long Drive meets the Extraction Shooter genre, a combination I wouldn't have ever imagined on my own, but one that I won't let go of now that I've seen what it is.

Barely making it out of a storming region by the skin of your teeth, to the calming rain at your garage to try and make repairs, it really does feel like it's you and your car out there trying to scavenge to survive.

It's up to you to figure out why you're both there to begin with, and that's an engaging story that I'm all too invested in myself.
Posted 1 March, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
372.8 hrs on record (228.3 hrs at review time)
There's Crashing, there's Shoddy UI, there's random mechanic reworks no one asked for, but underneath the bad stuff, there's some of the most satisfying gunplay and sound work I've ever gotten my hands on.

I'm not a Warzone player so while I can't comment on that, Multiplayer feels pretty enjoyable if you manage to weave under the crashes and can look over some interactive issues. When it comes to boots on the ground, "Eliminate the enemy team at all costs" gameplay, this is hands down the best CoD title I've played. No rose tinted glasses here.

Neat battlepass too, I suppose.
Posted 26 November, 2022.
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98.9 hrs on record (55.9 hrs at review time)
Lots of content to bite with a robust New Game+ system, an extensive skill tree, and over 15 score-based challenges to find and complete.

Very accessible with the unmatched House Rules system. Allowing you to reduce enemy HP and damage, disable contact damage, or even enable Flight so you can skip difficult platforming sections.

You can even increase enemy HP and damage with House Rules, so if you find it a bit too easy you can make it harder. I genuinely hope future games follow this level of customizability.

Well worth whatever you spend.
Posted 6 May, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
i was on the fence about buying this DLC for a game i discuss for hours daily - but suncles really tipped me towards buying it - great job suncles! three cheers for suncles! HIP HIP!

For an actual quick review, though;
High expectations are met with even higher quality. Hopoo delivers a fantastic gameplay experience and Chris delivers a fantastic atmosphere for it, as always.

If you liked the Risk of Rain 2 experience, you WILL like this Expansion. It's a guarantee.
Posted 1 March, 2022.
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314.7 hrs on record (83.2 hrs at review time)
I Enjoy it.
It's my review and I get to choose the rating!

Specialists are very different to play with, they're a bit cringe to listen to sometimes, but honestly the whole "TEAMPLAY IS DEAD" argument because of them is just a total farce.

You were ignored when you needed healing by a Medic with an AEK in BF4 just as you're ignored by a Falck with a PP-29.
You screamed "I Need Ammo" to your support player only for them to ignore you for 30 seconds shooting at a tank in BF4 just as an Angel ignores you while shooting at a helicopter.
You screamed for a revive from your Sniper squadmate right next to you in BFV, only for them to be hardscoped and missing every shot. There's not even a specific BF2042 comparison here, it's just literally the exact same.
Teamplay was never alive in Battlefield except for the few scattered souls that dedicated themselves to being your help, and those same souls are scattered around here too. Specialists aren't the problem for that, and the negative impact they have overall is pretty minimal.

The mechanics of Specialists are pretty neat, I like the idea of more unique gadgets and niche functions than nothing special whatsoever.

Early problems.
Every Battlefield has had a rocky start and negative points. At the time of writing this, there's a lot of bugs, balance is pretty garbage (The PP-29 and Hovercraft meta, if you're reading this a year from now), and a lack of starting content.

I won't say you're wrong if you think "Complacency with ♥♥♥♥ battlefield releases is bad", because honestly there's no reason why it wouldn't be. But there's no denying that recent Battlefields, no matter how ♥♥♥♥ the release was, has seen improvements over time. BF1 and BFV come to mind. Since BF2042 is going to run the Battlepass method of content additions, I'm personally going to wait on what the first season looks like before judging content amount.

Bad or Good, it's still a Battlefield.
The things people I've seen complain about are things that have always been complained about. Maps are too large, dying as soon as you spawn on an objective, and my favorite of complaints that the new title is "pandering to CoD players". It's nothing new.

There's still some core Battlefield moments, you always get excited hitting that attack helicopter with a dumbfire rocket, there's still sticking C4 on vehicles (remote or otherwise) and crashing them into enemy tanks, sniping pilots out of their helicopters and stealing them for yourself.

By all accounts it's still a Battlefield game, the good and bad parts.

Should you get it now?
Really, that's up to you. There's problems around, and if you think they can get in the way of your enjoyment, you can wait.

I played the beta, and I enjoyed it despite its issues.
I pre-ordered, played the early week and enjoyed it despite its issues.
So that's pretty much it. If you can enjoy something despite issues, you'll probably have a good time.
Posted 23 November, 2021. Last edited 23 November, 2021.
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755.9 hrs on record (420.9 hrs at review time)
Risk of Rain 2 is a test of personal limits and willpower. Do you go one more loop? Do you have the confidence to try again after getting annihilated by a stone golem?

I've 100% this game and I'm still going back to it frequently, don't even get me started on getting more of it to play when the expansion drops.
Posted 1 October, 2021.
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6 people found this review helpful
180.5 hrs on record (2.0 hrs at review time)
You really do get what's on the (cookie) tin. It's Cookie Clicker but you pay 5 extra bucks for Music and Steam achievements. But it's worth it.

Why is it worth it if it's the same browser game? The developer Orteil has said they're going to keep updating the Browser version, so why spend the money? Well, you support a personal project that's gone on for 8 years. The great part is you really don't have to if you don't want to.

Cookie Clicker isn't really lying when it said it's the game that defined the Idle genre, it really did set the standard. And it did it in aces. It's humorous, self-aware, and truly special for a clicker game.

Unsure if you think it's worth it? Try the browser version as a "demo". If you enjoy what you have, you have the option to buy the Steam version and import the progress you made.
Posted 1 September, 2021.
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