Julius Augustus Octavius Caesar
Emperor of Rome
Momenteel offline
🅐𝓾𝓰𝓾𝓼𝓽𝓾𝓼 16 mei 2020 om 9:01 
You're fake fam
Otto Von Bismarck 7 aug 2018 om 19:01 
How come you added me?
jord 9 sep 2016 om 23:36 
i agree to this reform
Minerva 13 jul 2016 om 10:00 
Hello, might I ask why you came to add me? :o
Zombiegamer 3 jul 2015 om 13:21 
Hey man, haven't seen you in a while.
Haunter of Mandarin Chicken 30 jun 2014 om 12:18 
its not even active