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665.4 hrs on record (657.7 hrs at review time)
Devs Rock. People misunderstand words deliberately for drama.


Posted 5 May, 2024. Last edited 21 March.
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225.3 hrs on record (176.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Si ultrakill fuese una persona le como el pito
Posted 8 December, 2023. Last edited 14 May, 2024.
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75.1 hrs on record (49.4 hrs at review time)
An improvement in the great majority of aspects over the first game, although not all of them: I felt the exploration a wee bit less exciting than the first title, a bit less creative. Is not boring to explore by any means, I just felt less amazed compared to Blasphemous.

Also the game is somewhat glitchy, I found myself in weird situations from time to time. But the passion and love behind the music, fights, visuals and VA, more than make for the buggy nature of the game (which could totally be fixed with some patches).

Replaying after the DLC, the game feels even more glitchy, maybe its conincidence and concerning, but still the good overweights the bad by a wide maring. The changes to the base game areas made them fun to re-explore after the first playtrough on release.

Blasphemous 2 not being a nominee for best indie game in game awards 2023 is a joke.
Posted 13 November, 2023. Last edited 3 December, 2024.
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811.8 hrs on record (544.8 hrs at review time)
El verdadero Roguelike
Posted 28 November, 2021.
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254.4 hrs on record (160.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Puedes ajustar el juego según lo que busques en un juego de zombies: Darte de tortas contra ellos, huir de hordas gigantescas o una supervivencia aterradora donde escasean recursos y las decisiones sean la diferencia entre la muerte o sobrevivir un poco más. Aunque si no te gustan este tipo de libertades, el juego puede resultar aburrido y frustrante, ya que no hay objetivo más allá de sobrevivir y avanzar para morir y perderlo todo puede ser desalentador. Lo que me motiva a seguirlo jugando es saber que los desarrolladores y la comunidad son activos, incluyendo mucho contenido por medio de actualizaciones y mods, lo que enriquece aun más el juego y muestra el potencial que tiene en un futuro.
Posted 25 November, 2020.
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252.3 hrs on record (75.7 hrs at review time)
Muy buen Roguelike con un sistema de juego original donde el RNG tiene un papel no tan influyente como en otros y premia la atención de los jugadores
Posted 1 February, 2020.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries