SOS-団 | Elven Red
Alan Schaeffer   Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
A proud member of SOS-dan.

"Laziness is the mother of human progress" Solork, Ikta (2016)

"Master Spark!"
A certain blonde-haired witch

"I believe in panties"
Shiina Mashiro

"I don't do anything I don't have to. What I have to do, I do quickly."
Oreki Houtarou

"I am mad scientist. It's so cool! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥."

"Eu não sou um tarado! Eu sou um guerreiro da perversão!"
Hell 2014年3月24日 20時43分 
mashima 2013年4月9日 16時26分 
Pão de baataaaata
Lavarath 2012年12月24日 12時32分 
That is amazing!
Hell 2012年7月15日 13時19分 
yep to logado e.e
Gabrielhof, O Cinzento 2011年12月20日 9時20分 
Ele ta com fome e quer leite.
tukx- 2011年9月27日 18時59分 
tetudo _l_