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5 people found this review helpful
3.2 hrs on record
This game is not EDF. This game feels like a tech demo.

Technical issues:
The game has a bit of a rough translation. The dialogue seems okay but some of the menus and especially the settings can leave you unsure what a setting even does.

The game has hard-coded joystick dead-zones and acceleration. That is fine if your playing with a controller. But have you ever tried use a mouse to aim with joystick dead-zones? You can't, it's an awful experience. If you do plan on getting this against the communities better judgment I would forget that this game even suggests it supports mouse and keyboard, this game is only playable worth a damn with a controller.

Gameplay issues:
For reference I completed 10% of the levels before refunding the game. With that in mind, almost every single level boils down to "kill 10-20 robots over and over in waves until the game decides your done".

Ignoring the issues other people mention regarding the irrelevancy of the different weapon types themselves (I don't understand why the grenade launcher even exists), having such small packs attack you AND having them spawn randomly on the map means if your playing on normal you may actually spend more time flying from pack of enemies to pack of enemies then you will spend killing them.

The concept of this game could be fun, it just feels unfinished. EDF shows us a game can have each combat boil down to "fight a horde of mobs" and be fun, but the hordes being only 10-20 units big in this makes the whole thing feel like a joke. You never have the massive spectacle battles that makes EDF so much fun.

Increasing the wave count by 10-20x might help, along with making the mechs slower and the maps a bit more interesting.

On that point, the maps are exceedingly dull. I could ignore that if the gained performance was going towards something else like having massive amounts of enemies on screen. The reality however is that mostly you fight a fairly small amount of units at a time in these vast barren wastelands.

Bonus note:
What is with the size scaling in this game? Like sure, you could just scale mechs up or down to have "bigger or smaller" mechs. But if you add things like trucks and trains, then let us get out of our mechs, it just goes to show how completely bizarre the size scaling is. I put my mech on the back of a truck, got out, and realised my human character was taller then the truck.
Posted 14 December, 2023.
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0.6 hrs on record
I want to like this game, I really do. But it has some lack of polish and blatant issues in the first 20 minutes and something tells me they likely only get worse as I would get further into the game. I'm going to list the issues here and if none of them would be game breakers for you then you should probably disregard my review.

Options UI is vague and sparse. There is a toggle for 'Enhanced Anti-aliasing' with no clear description on what it does. My guess would be they are just using the default Unity settings and either don't know how or can't be bothered to add the ability to modify them in in the options menu.

The writing is bad. I might have been able to tolerate it but the main character doing a batman impression for all his dialogue really started to drive me insane. "No problem, I'll just turn off the voices in the audio settings." I thought, but the audio settings only has 'Master Volume', 'Music Volume', and 'Special Effect Volume'. So either I suffer through the writing or I play the game entirely silent.

The camera does this lean thing when you strafe left and right. It doesn't seem that bad in the trailers but I don't know if it is turned up in the game or something but it made me feel mildly ill whenever I strafed. And like the voices, there is no option to turn it off in the settings.

The shop/armoury UI is not great. This is probably one of the more minor gripes but there is no real way to read what any of the stats even are. No way to read what 'BoosterSpeed' does. Does it make max speed boosting +4? Maybe increase your initial velocity? Who knows.

The weapons control awkwardly. Guns mostly work as expected but I'm still not sure how lock-on missiles are meant to work. Sometimes they would lock onto multiple enemies, other times not, then occasionally they would seemingly try to lock onto multiple enemies but the lock would keep flickering on and off. As I only got 3 missions in I assume this behaviour is likely more noticeable the further in you get.

The energy management is, and there really is no other way to describe it, ♥♥♥♥♥♥. In most games with an energy bar (or call it what it is, a stamina bar) they tend to all follow a similar pattern. The bar gets depleted as you do things, then when you stop and a certain amount of time has elapsed the bar starts regenerating. Some games will punish you for completely emptying the bar by temporarily making the recharge delay longer till your back to full. This game however just has the energy recharge at a constant rate at all times unless your using energy. This wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that you recharge so slowly. I routinely ran out of energy during a mission and never really got back above 10% energy cause it was so slow and I was still needing to move and fight things.

The battles are really boring. Your fighting what are basically up-scaled zombie bullet-sponges. The first mission clearly expects you to stay close to the NPC companion, I had wondered off to collect all the things showing up on my minimap only to discover that the enemies had spawned at the NPC and not near me. This combined with the aforementioned energy issues caused me to have to slowly walk all the way back to them just to kill the enemies and finish the level. The third mission is just a wave defence, you just sit still and shoot waves upon waves of them. Sounds fun but they all bunch up and basically walk towards you in a like so I found myself just holding down fire on my mini-gun as they all lined up to take turns getting shot.

The mech parts are very clearly just smashed together haphazardly. I imagine most if not all are from an asset pack without much thought put into their usage. I changed some parts of my mech after the second level only to realise that my torso didn't actually connect properly to my legs and there was just a big hole in my model. This combined with the frequent clipping of the arms and other parts really makes me doubt any attempt was made to actually QA the mech parts against each other.

I'm honestly confused as to why we are even fighting these 'totally-not-zombies' instead of other mechs. My only assumption is the developer didn't want to have to work out how to make an AI that would intelligently pilot a mech so something that just mindlessly walks towards you and melees was easier (and probably already exists as a premade asset). I say that since having already built such a mech customisation system would have allowed them to trivially make mechs for NPCs or enemies, and yet we are fighting zombies.

If this game was free I would say it is a good first draft and what is in the game is executed adequately. This is nowhere near the level of polish I, or anyone else, should expect from an actual released game however.
Posted 2 September, 2023.
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7.9 hrs on record
Solid game. Only real negative is I would of liked to see some more models for the cubes. The writing is fun and I whole heartily recommend you go the extra mile to read the lore you find on the computers, it really pulls the world together.
Posted 4 November, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
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0.2 hrs on record
Game is actually unplayable if you have more then 4 logical cores in your CPU (most modern CPUs) and I don't mean 'runs poorly' kind of unplayable. I mean "the main menu dosen't even load" unplayable.
Posted 18 January, 2021.
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65.9 hrs on record (62.5 hrs at review time)
Only thing I wish they would change would be to go a bit more in on the vampire aspect. Feels very PG.
Posted 16 November, 2019.
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259.1 hrs on record (255.2 hrs at review time)
Great game, if only the released DLC at the same time as consoles.
Posted 15 November, 2019.
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3 people found this review helpful
22.1 hrs on record (20.5 hrs at review time)

I went and bought it when it was $50 and installed it straight away. But it wouldnt start. I had to change my OS 3 times before it worked. Then I noticed how often it crashed. A lot of the time making it very difficult to play out a full 1 hour game. Finally just recenetly it completely stopped working again for absoulutely no reason. Don't be tricked people, this game is still well and truely in beta and nothing like the trailers make you think it is.

If you really want to play a game like this search Spring RTS. It is about as hard to get working as this game at times, but its free and super stable.

EDIT: After the release of the DLC for this game it has become clear that this company is intending on avoiding it's negative reviews rather then improving them. I would suggest not buying anything from this entire company.
Posted 10 November, 2014. Last edited 13 September, 2015.
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36.4 hrs on record
Great Game
Posted 5 June, 2014.
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4.4 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
Posted 11 April, 2013.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries