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Recent reviews by Eithor

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1 person found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Looking forward to the year ahead for all the planned DLC releases and hardcore mode!
Posted 18 February.
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110.9 hrs on record (70.7 hrs at review time)
Posted 17 February.
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30.7 hrs on record (30.6 hrs at review time)
Great game, glad Sony saw reason.
Posted 6 May, 2024.
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73.5 hrs on record (4.6 hrs at review time)
Feels good; I loved the beta so much I upgraded my rig to play this better. look forward to getting stuck into this game!
Posted 9 December, 2023. Last edited 30 December, 2023.
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169.2 hrs on record (150.7 hrs at review time)
Coming back to Darktide after a year from release and the game feels great - way more optimised and smoother and plenty of bug fixes and balancing. The new talent tree's for all the classes gives each class a unique feel and multiple play styles and with the addition of the account wallet for all currency types, it's much more alt friendly. The crafting system could do with a little rework, but it's not so bad that it ruins the game.

I can finally recommend this game and look forward to diving back into Tertium to cleanse it of the heretics in the Emperors name!

EDIT: 27/01/25
Coming back again after a break and the crafting system has had yet another overhaul! this time you level up weapons simply by using them or sacrificing other weapons for XP to a maximum of level 20. As you level your weapons you'll be able to flat-out unlock blessings of you choosing (but you'll eventually collect them all) and increase the power level of weapons now to 500, you can also now edit both of your blessings on a weapons as well as both perks meaning you can equip the best possible in every slot (this also extends to Curios!) and edit them whenever you like, so you're no longer locked into blessings/perks.

Brunt's Armoury also seems to often spit out weapons with "god roll" stats so you'll easily be able to obtain good templates to invest your precious Plasteel, Diamantine and Ordo Dockets into to reach the best possible weapons. This has made the game a little more casual in terms of "grind" but with the addition of the new 'Havoc' gamemode, there is a good rise in difficulty too!

The penance/achievement system has also been overhauled and it much easier to track and claim them. There are new rewards from new penances as well as the 'Hestia's Blessings' which is essentially achievement point thresh holds that award even more cosmetics the higher you get.

I can further recommend Darktide and am eager to spill the blood of the traitorous scum in the Emperors' name! See you in Tertium!
Posted 24 November, 2023. Last edited 27 January.
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32.4 hrs on record (32.4 hrs at review time)
buying gf
Posted 25 November, 2021.
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2 people found this review funny
249.7 hrs on record (63.6 hrs at review time)
Turned my family tree into a family circle. 10/10.
Posted 27 November, 2020.
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40.9 hrs on record (15.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Me (Medic), my friend (Assault gunner and low on ammo) and my other friend (Riflemen), were staring down at an enemy tank crew who were trying to fix their tank and fend us off. My friend (Assault gunner and now out of ammo) decided that he would jump the fence protecting us and rush the tank crew in melee. Little did we know that they had fixed their tank and were now back inside of it... My friend (Assault gunner and now out of ammo) jumped the fence, an explosion went off and his legs came back over without the rest of him. If this were real, I'd be scarred for life but instead me and my other friend just burst out laughing. I'd recommend this game to anyone who likes slower paced FPS games or the setting of the game; It's fun, dynamic, immersive and definitely a laugh with friends - if you don't have friends, then you'll still be ok, because the community is great and I've found in every game I've played people will talk and coordinate.
Posted 27 November, 2019.
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1 person found this review funny
492.2 hrs on record (221.4 hrs at review time)
Spawn peak simulator.
Posted 2 July, 2019.
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23.9 hrs on record (22.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I'd not heard of They Are Billions until I found it whilst it was on sale over Christmas, and me being a lover of zombie games as well as RTS games, I couldn't say no.

I've played games like Age of Empires, Warcraft and Starcraft, so I'm use to the RTS premise; the element of survival and loose tower defence element ticks a few more of boxes for me. It's also a beautifully detailed game and the voice acting of the units (whilst few they are) are humorous.

This game is hard. Very hard. BUT very fun! if you have a patience for it...I'm coming up to the 24 hours played mark and I've only JUST unlocked the second map with a diffuculty rating of 22%. That may sound low, but I dare you to give it a try on anything higher and see how you get on without first learning the game!

I'm enjoying this game alot, I plan to keep playing and hopefully get all the different map types unlocked and I cannot wait to see what the developers add in the future. I'm really looking forward to the campaign mode and am hopeful they introduce some form of online play, be that co-op or even PvPvE.

If you're a lover of Real Time Strategy games, Zombie games, Survival games and/or Tower Defence games, this is the game for you!
Posted 10 January, 2018.
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