tavo mamos nešvankus paskyrimas   Denmark
List of fictional characters I'm tryna get my wiener ravaged by:
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'Name "Alias" Surname' (Franchise, year) [Publisher]

Marin Kitagawa (My Dress-Up Darling, 2022) [CloverWorks]
Dolores Madrigal (Encanto, 2021) [Disney]
Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars: The Clone Wars, 2008) [Warner Bros. Pictures]
Chel (The Road to El Dorado, 2000) [DreamWorks Pictures]
Monika "IQ" Weiss (Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege, 2015) [Ubisoft]
Jaina Proudmoore (Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, 2003) [Blizzard Entertainment]
Shouko Komi (Komi Can't Communicate, 2021) [OLM]
Raphtalia (The Rising of the Shield Hero, 2019) [Kinema Citrus]
Angela "Mercy" Ziegler (Overwatch, 2016) [Blizzard Entertainment]
Yennefer of Vengerberg (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, 2015) [CD Projekt Red]
Grim Fable (Fortnite, 2019) [Epic Games]
Wisp (Warframe, 2019) [Digital Extremes]
Elara Dorne (Star Wars: The Old Republic, 2011) [Electronic Arts]
Loba Andrade (Apex Legends, 2020) [Electronic Arts]
500 經驗值
成就進度   184 / 193
總時數 2.9 小時
最後執行於 3 月 25 日
成就進度   2 / 50
總時數 557 小時
最後執行於 2 月 27 日
500 經驗值
成就進度   179 / 191
總時數 4,870 小時
最後執行於 2 月 15 日
500 經驗值
成就進度   184 / 193
Shahmen 2023 年 3 月 19 日 上午 12:37 
зайка скинь 🍑давай любовь делать ты на фотках? хочу больше твоих фото из какого города зайка стань моей женой хочу дете малышка скинь груд солнышко скажи куда я приеду могу показать ствол влюбился в тебя с первого взгляда секси)буду за тобой ухаживать я покладистый нежный везде побритый в общем красавец ты таких не видела мы можем познакомится с твоей мамой а у тебя парен ест мы идеалная пара я скоро разведус с женой будем вместе поженимс мне жена не интересна ты игтересна ты касивая молодая умная мне нравится а ты меня люьишь?не игнорь💔
Shahmen 2023 年 2 月 4 日 上午 8:39 
Shahmen 2023 年 1 月 14 日 上午 3:55 
du isst jews
Shahmen 2023 年 1 月 4 日 上午 6:49 
Let's cut to the chase. I'll pay you $50 to step on my balls. You heard me. 50 buckaroos to step on my testicles. The amount of time it would take to step on my balls and then resume to your regular schedule is about 1 second if you are skilled at the job. If you do the math that is a profit equivalent to $3600 an hour. I may or may not offer some wiggle room in the amount that you will be compensated but i can asure you my offer is as generous as they come. Think about what you could do with $50. Alot of people would take that $50 and use it to buy some sort of goods but instead i like to invest that $50 in intangible service, which would be paying someone to step on my balls, hence this conversation. This is a limited time offer and if you don't want to be of service then i will go recruit another ball-stepper. Get back to me ASAP, these balls won't step on themselves.
Shahmen 2022 年 12 月 6 日 上午 10:18 
koulèv Endyen an gwonde lè solèy kouche
Shahmen 2022 年 12 月 3 日 上午 9:47 