Ghostie Boy
Just A Spectral Thing
:frogzone: Ohai there! :frogzone:
Currently Online
About Myself
  Hello! When it comes to what kind of games I'm interested in, they'd primarily be arcade, platformer and horror. My taste and preferences in games are a tad bizarre and strange in places. I play with friends in games from time-to-time, especially when planned, most fun comes out of playing with friends anyhow. :p

My Hobbies, Interests & New Developing Ones
  Video Games — Y'know, the vijya games ( ͡° ᵕ ͡°)
  Game Design & Development — Previously, I used GMS2 , but I've switched to Godot considering previous awful monetary change that did happen—despite having a perpetual license, but also I hope to also learn C , C++ , and C# at some point. Preferably along lines with Godot . Really, my reasons for learning the C Languages have shifted from not just being game design and game development focused.
  Blender — Generally, messing with and around in Blender , as well as learning it too. Still new to it.
   Qubicle Qubicle is one of the things that really influenced my interest in creating 3D works in general. However, I'm likely to take a look at Magicavoxel , since it's free and has more flexibility for multi-user use, unlike Qubicle , since Qubicle is expensive for many.
  Aseprite — Although Paint/Paint(dot)NET/Photoshop/GIMP are perfect to use for pixel art, I've been using Aseprite and I find it more fun to use instead.

I'll Just Reserve This For Later.....
  • Need A Good Rework Anyway.....
    Like badly.....
     Reeeeeeeally badly......
Game Collector