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4 people found this review helpful
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305.6 hrs on record (291.0 hrs at review time)
Having 100%'ed this game now I feel this is a good time for a review.

Overall, this game is honestly the best game I've played this year. It's better than the games I played last year too - and it managed to pull me away from Overwatch for basically 3 weeks straight, and I'm still not finished with it, even after 280+ hours.

Very highly recommended, even for newcomers to the series. In fact, especially for newcomers to the series, as this game is probably your best way in to what is most definitely one of the best damn game series ever created.

Long(er) version:
Dark Souls 3 is the first Souls game I played that I actually enjoyed - I own Dark Souls 1 & 2, and neither of those immediately grabbed me like Dark Souls 3 did. I didn't have to try nearly as hard to start enjoying DS3 as I did the other two games in the series.

Because of this, if you are a newcomer to the Souls series, I would highly recommend you play this game first to get a feel for the controls and playstyle of the game, then after completing it, go back and play the older games, which is what I am doing now.

As for DS3 itself, I haven't played a game this captivating, both inside and outside the game, in years. The last time a game occupied my everyday thoughts this much was many years ago, back on my old PS3 days with Battlefield 3. I played DS3 for a couple of hours to begin with, and made fair progress. But - the moment I beat the 1st real boss you face, after the "tutorial" boss, I was hooked.

Every time I put my controller down I was immediately thinking what I was going to do next when I played again. I put 60 hours into this game in my first 2 weeks of owning it - whilst also working full time. Like I said, I haven't played a game that captured me this much in years.

The combat system is intuitive, fluid and feels fantastic to play at 60fps. The hitboxes are awesome - a simple search on youtube will reveal to you just how good they are.

The rolling thresholds are gone from the old games, so now you can "fast" roll at 70% equpid load, rather than the 16% from Dark Souls 1.

The graphics are fantastic and very well themed - playing on an Nvidia 770 4GB I can run this game at a solid 60 on high. Walking through one of the later areas of the game that is lit with moonlight looks stunning - you'll know which area I mean when you get there!

The story continues from the previous 2 games, and is as deep and fascinating as ever. You can skip the story completely, by not reading item descriptions and skipping the NPC dialogue. But, if you pay attention and spend some time every now and again reading a few things, you'll quickly become immersed in this game (and series') amazingly deep and thorough story. If anything, I recommend you play the older games just to learn the origins of the some of the bosses and items you find in this game. If not, there are many lore videos on youtube, all worth a watch.

The PvP is... Well, its Dark Souls, so very competitive and sometimes kinda toxic. There is an established meta Soul Level you can stop levelling once you reach - it is at this level you will experience the most varied and plentiful PvP. Invasions are broken, with the invader being at a huge disadvantage, but these can still be fun from time to time, if you get lucky and invade a good host. If you're looking for good, fair PvP, look up honour duels for this game and try some summoning rather than invading - I enjoy honor duels substantially more than invasions, but it all comes down to what type of a PvP experience you are looking for. Poise is broken " working as intended ", so be careful when using super slow weapons in PvP as enemies with faster weapons will very easily stagger you and get you in a stun lock - not fun at all.

The weapons are varied enough to keep you busy for a long time, if you want to learn and use each. Some weapons that were very good from previous games have been completely borked, but there are many other awesome alternatives you can use that are equally as fun. The armor is good with many blast-from-the-pasts from previous games, allowing you to cosplay as your favourite bosses or make some hideous monstrosity wearing only a loincloth giant fat armor.

Character creation and customisation is also improved from previous games, allowing you to tweak your character to fairly deep measures.

The music - oh man the music. Give the composer a Grammy, please. The boss fights in this game are awesome as they are (well, most anyway..), but the music really takes them to the next level. The music in the forefront of my mind is the track that accompanies the first Lord of Cinder you fight, but all of the tracks are amazing in their own right and perfectly accompany an already fantastic game.

Overall, this game is honestly the best game I've played this year. It's better than the games I played last year too - and it managed to pull me away from Overwatch for basically 3 weeks straight.

Very highly recommended, even for newcomers to the series. In fact, especially for newcomers to the series, as this game is your best way in to what is probably one of the best damn game series ever created.
Posted 22 July, 2016. Last edited 22 November, 2017.
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342.2 hrs on record (327.9 hrs at review time)
Due to recent actions by the publisher, Take Two, I cannot recommend this game.
It is a fantastic game but I would advice you against giving your money to the greedy scumbags over at take two.
They issued a cease and decist to OpenIV, a popular modding tool, killing of a significant part of the GTA5 modding community, even after stating repeatedly how much they "value" the PC modding community.
This game is really amazing and Rockstar North have done an amazing job - its just a shame its being dragged down by parasitic microtransactions and shoddy corporate business decisions that go against the community.

Short Answer: This game is a must-own. Buy at earliest convienience.

Fantastic game, fantastic PC version - highly recommended. Online is great for a laugh with mates, and the singleplayer is one of the best open-world sandboxes I have ever had the pleasure to play around in. Story is great too, shooting is very Max Payne-esque (this is a good thing), driving is fun, exciting and fast, and the attention to detail is incredible, as usual from Rockstar.

Either get this game now if you can't wait, or just wait for it to go on sale. Either way, this title is a must own.

PC Version Note: My only advice is for you to please make sure your PC is up to spec. A lot of the bad reviews are coming from people have not ensured their rig can handle this game, so before you purchase take a look at the system specs down below and see if you're okay. Other than that, this game runs great on my rig.
Posted 16 April, 2015. Last edited 18 June, 2017.
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2 people found this review helpful
8.8 hrs on record (8.5 hrs at review time)
Absolutely fantastic little game. Relaxing, happy, cute and light-hearted, this game is a thoroughly enjoyable explore-em-up, featuring intuitiative controls and a gorgeous world to discover.

Cannot recommend this game enough - buy at the earliest convinience, it is worth every penny!
Posted 24 March, 2015.
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6.8 hrs on record (5.7 hrs at review time)

Longer Verdict:
If you have a stomach for horror, buy this game. If you don't, buy this game. It's incredible. I went into this game too scared to even play a game like Left 4 Dead 2. But having finished it, I am now looking forward to playing games like Amnesia and Silent Hill. This game got me into horror, and I would heartily recommend it to anyone who would like something new, or to perhaps challenge themselves. It's tense, exciting and absolutely frightening at times. Unmissable, I cannot recommend this game enough, both to people who enjoy horror and people who may not.
Posted 20 February, 2015.
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2 people found this review helpful
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5.3 hrs on record (4.5 hrs at review time)
Set out to buy milk. Got lost, took me 30 mins to get there, even though it was around the corner. Eventually got there, couldn't find the milk. Found a backdoor, went to investigate. Got attacked by evil gun-wielding jihadists. Went upstairs, found a shotgun, smoked some meth, took a nap in a urinal for an hour or two. Woke up dizzy, fell out of window and landed on an old woman. Near fatal injury, but I ate some dog biscuits I'd found earlier and I healed back to full health. Went back inside, eventually found the milk. Tried to pay shopkeeper, ended up accidentally shooting him. Casually walked out of the shop, may have mistaken a cat for a gutter and peed on it. Found my way back home, gave wife milk.

She then tells me its out of date, and that I need to go and get a new one.





0/10 would not monday again
Posted 27 December, 2014.
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1 person found this review helpful
6.7 hrs on record (6.6 hrs at review time)
For those who want a quick answer: INCREDIBLE. BUY. IT. NOW.

For those who want to know why:

This is game is exactly what I expected Watch Dogs to be like - either using clever tricks to outsmart your enemies and stealth to try to avoid violence, or running in and rushing the objective, not caring about what, or who, gets in you way. However, in every conceivable way, this game is far, far, far better than Watch Dogs. SO, are you considering buying Watch Dogs? Don't. Buy 5 copies of this instead. The mechanics are impeccable, the intriguing story keeps you playing until the end, then lets you replay any mission you want - with your new upgrades. I can honestly say, this is one of the best games I have ever played, and the best £6 I have ever spent.
Posted 6 August, 2014. Last edited 6 August, 2014.
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