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Created by - Jamu
724 ratings
Ever felt as if your life isn't purple enough? Ever felt as if your life isn't lanky enough? Ever felt as if your life isn't glorious enough? Hi, I'm JamKnife, and I'm going to talk to you all about how to be a Waluigi Cultist and embrace our true Lord. Yo
Chicken Alfredo From Domino's 2 Sep, 2020 @ 9:46pm 
Giant Gummy Cola Bottles

Sprite/Orange Crush (with Jello) Gummy Bottle


500 mL pop
8 packs (56 grams) gelatin
2 packs (170 grams) Jello (lime for Sprite, Orange for Crush etc)

Empty pop from the bottle in a medium bowl, and let sit out to become flat (loses carbonation).
Prep pop bottle by removing label (and saving it), and spraying the inside of the bottle with non stick spray.
In a small bowl, mix gelatin and jello crystals together with a whisk.
Heat pop in the microwave, or over the stove until just boiling. Pour in gelatin and mix with a spoon or spatula until no clumps remain.
Pour into pop bottle, place lid back on bottle, and place in the freezer for one hour, or fridge for 3.
To remove gummy from the bottle, slice pop bottle with an X-Acto knife and gently remove pieces of the plastic until the gummy remains.
Wrap wrapper back around the bottle.
Keep gummy wrapped in plastic wrap, and in the fridge until ready to eat.
Dixie Normous 3 Dec, 2019 @ 1:48pm 
+rep good player