:starsandstripes: Fallout New Vegas:
NPC - need anything?
Player - can I ask you something?
NPC - sure, go ahead
Player - let's talk about something else
NPC - sure
Player - goodbye
NPC - see ya

Follow me on:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/drheadbump
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheFrippe95
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrHeadbump-806259639457553/?fref=nf
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/drheadbump/profile

PC specs:
CPU: i7 9800X 4.2GHz watercooled
GPU: Nvidia 2080 watercooled
RAM: G.Skill Royal 3000MHz
1TB SSD ( 2x512GB RAID 0)

All in a Lian Li PC-011
❄❄Ripper.Pebble❄❄ 31 grudnia 2020 o 8:34 
Happy new year!:chocola2::chocola2:
.shot 24 grudnia 2017 o 3:07 
Merry Christmas and I hope you're gonna have a happy new year aswell!
❄❄Ripper.Pebble❄❄ 3 lutego 2017 o 23:15 
Have a great weekend!
.shot 24 grudnia 2016 o 12:38 
Merry Christmas and a Happy new year!!
slyr lrs 29 lutego 2016 o 10:35 
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.shot 27 kwietnia 2015 o 3:39 
+rep Friendly neighborhood Doctor