Why Do You Need To Know   United States
Click the info button before adding me
Tell me why you added me in the comments and if no, your friend request will be ignored. I'm tired of random friend requests.

UNLESS your one of the people that i remember

Favorite Games: Watch_Dogs, SCP Containment Breach, Assassin's Creed 3, TF2, Riders Of Icarus, Terraria, Hitman: Absolution, AVP, ACM, Garrys Mod and Prototype 1 and 2.

Online: feel free to talk to me
In-Game: i will get to you in a second if you message me
Away: asleep or gone
Busy: doing stuff
Looking to play: feel free to invite me into any game
Looking to trade: maybe
Offline: asleep
Offline for 2 months or 2 years: router died or computer fan died

Favorite Bands: Breaking Benjamin, Fall Out Boys, Papa Roach

╔╦╦╦╦═╗Put this on your page
║╩║║║╔╗if you give free hugs

Favorite Classes: Spy, Heavy, Soldier and Medic

if you play NMIH here are the codes:

if you play Riders Of Icruas here are the pets:
(if anyone can figure out why riders of icarus is not letting me play, let me know. i miss playing that game)

What Happens When You Dont Leave Me Alone

Warning 1: wont talk to you
Warning 2: unfriend
Warning 3: a block (if added back)

Serious Message

Here is the serious message, if you decide to be an asshat to me like "stfu, your messages are crashing my steam." or "♥♥♥♥ off, your so annoying" even if i didn't do ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ yeah its a immediate remove off of my friends list. FINAL WARNING, DONT COME BACK ARUGING ON MY PROFILE AFTER THE REMOVE <---- this may apply to discord, teamspeak or anything like these two if your adding me on Discord or TS3

Rules before adding

1. Dont harass me about joining your discord server
2. Dont spam links or messages (cause i dont trust links)
3. If you be a ♥♥♥♥ to me its a automaticly block
4. Dont bug me about doing a TF2 contract
5. Don't random add me just for trading
6. If I accept your friend request and you immeditely send a link, its a block and a report for being one of those bots to get into your steam account.
7. Being a smartass is a automatic removal from my friends list.
8. Don't agree for me when it comes to some agreement thing.

Break any of these will result in a removal and possibly a block

If you don't like any of these rules, why bother adding?
Timmar spelade
100 XP
Prestationsförlopp   299 av 640
Mest sällsynt prestation-monter
Icefuse Networks - Offentlig grupp
The way games are meant to be played.. we think.
353 306
13 545
83 750
26 160
I chatt
hitlers pistol
10/10 of combat system but you should added a like instead of fighting jason at the beginning for the tutorial then into the game, it should been like where kaneki goes from human to ghoul in the regular tokyo ghoul before re
Senaste aktiviteterna
0,4 timmar totalt
spelades senast den 19 feb
20 timmar totalt
spelades senast den 19 feb
2,4 timmar totalt
spelades senast den 11 feb
Beelzebub 4 apr, 2023 @ 2:21 
idk what ya talking about lol
mou🐁 27 mar, 2023 @ 15:26 
your profile is deranged and fearful
Indoraptor 16 dec, 2022 @ 14:49 
yeah, if you ban someone's IP, the server is blacklisting your ROUTER, where you get your internet from, anyone on that internet connection can no longer play Valve games, all accounts connected TO that internet connection are auto-VAC banned
Beelzebub 16 dec, 2022 @ 9:27 
news flash, they do work like that bud and gabe's son doesn't live in the UK area smh.
Come out with something different other than trying to hide that you're a dumbass behind a screen and trying to fill your ego up by saying your gray newell
sniff hand mmm 16 dec, 2022 @ 8:58 
-Gabe Newell
Beelzebub 16 dec, 2022 @ 5:52 
ip bans work on the device itself, only form of way of a IP ban for steam is a VAC ban