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Recent reviews by Señor_Domino_Boy

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27.5 hrs on record
Honestly one of the greatest games I've played. Good Combat, Multitude of Night Life games and a Great story coupled with amazing characters. Here's hoping the whole series comes to steam someday.
Posted 19 April, 2019.
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3 people found this review helpful
5.9 hrs on record (5.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
One of the only games ive ever reviewed, and with good reason, its really a great game. Even in early access, though ive only played a short while its been great. The combat is easy to navigate (only thing i could say is more animations would be cool, but as it is early access thats not a critisism, more of a suggestion), but it also takes thought to choose what move is appropriate for what situation, and the XCOM inspirations are easily seen but doesnt over-shadow the games originality. The characters are distinguishable and likable, and with outfits on the way they should become way more personalized. so in short
-Good Combat, XCOM fans would appreciate, new fans of strategy games can certaintly enjoy
-Likable characters, while kind of cliche, they are still amazing and I Personally enjoy their interactions
-Music Usually fits scenarios well
Generally a very enjoyable experience

-Few animations (most likely due to the game being in early access, so like previously stated, not much of a con)

not much i can place in cons, as Its hard to pick apart, and other things are due to early access. In short i cant wait for a full release, and i look forward to testing any new features added.

if i can make any suggestions, id say more interactions between characters off missions, like bar banter or maybe little relationship building events or cutscenes, to make the characters seem more human, kind of like a bond system.
Posted 30 July, 2018.
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A developer has responded on 30 Jul, 2018 @ 12:37pm (view response)
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