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Recent reviews by Sagittarius

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21.0 hrs on record (10.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Yet another installment of mediocre attempts at a looter extraction sim that is not EFT. I have to say, if you close your eyes to the ton of technical difficulties and the somewhat unrewarding AI and loot progression, you have a good game here. I think I will leave a positive review for now, as I just hope the development continues.
Posted 10 May, 2024.
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192.5 hrs on record (161.7 hrs at review time)
This game is absolute madness. The standalone experience is mentally fun, mods even upgrade that experience even more. Though be warned: You will spend intense amount of hours ... because the factory ... must grow.
Posted 8 May, 2024.
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136.1 hrs on record (122.2 hrs at review time)
I just hope the developer sues Sony for damages. This global backlash caused by underhanded corporate greed, while CONSTANTLY leaking user information ... gross!

UPDATE (07-05-24): So Sony, went back on their mandatory PSN account change. Playerbase took a serious hit for it, but still: This is one of the most fun coop games in a long time. Though content is currently dry, it is quite a lot of fun.
Posted 4 May, 2024. Last edited 7 May, 2024.
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40.5 hrs on record (37.3 hrs at review time)
This is by far one of the laziest, crappiest ports I have ever witnessed. Let me preface this by saying that I am NOT a World-veteran, nor that I plan on becoming one. I will try to structure my review a bit, but I will make no professional effort to cover everything. Just my reasons why I would highly advise against buying this. Sale or not.

Combat: MHRise features a variety of weapons all dictating different combat styles and hence very varied ways to get your fix in. Apart from ranged combat however, you will always have the "new Dynasty Warriors Combat". What I mean by this is, that you have a couple of combos you will perform over and over again. Different combos tend to give you buffs, be very evasive and counter certain movesets or deal tons of damage. However, this leads to its own bunch of problems as I will discuss shortly. Ranged combat in this is not really my cup of tea, as it plays like a console shooter - dull, repetetive and very superficial. Hence I will focus on Melee from here on out.

Input: Everything and I mean EVERY LITERAL THING, has a timer and an animation. Often, timers are far longer than animations and if you wondered why you cant climb that wall right now, it is 95% of the time that you just picked something up and now have to pay the five second fee of lifetime running into a wall.
On its own the input delay and lag wouldnt be much of an issue, but this leads to a ton of time wasted not playing the game but for waiting to be in charge again for hours as this game requires a metric ton of farming materials, fighting, exploring, climbing and so on.
Whats equally annoying is, that the input lag I mentioned before is your worst nightmare. As the combat requires you most of the time to balance your dodge rolls and combos efficiently, you will have a hard time a) putting away your weapon to use items, b) running/wire-dashing away from certain large AOE combos (Magnamalos), c) dodging with the correct timing as the game seems to run on an inherent tick system which simply blocks you from performing the dodge when YOU want it, rather when IT wants it. I have checked and double checked whether these delays are caused on my end, suspecting framedrops and whatnot but my FPS never dip under 90, I notice no stuttering and the input delay is indifferent whether playing on keyboard or Pad. On that note ... Keybinds...

Keybinds: While the rest of us live in 2022 where FOV sliders and customizable input binds should be normalized by now, Capcom couldnt be bothered allowing players too much of customization. You are basically forced to use certain combinations for combos, no matter where you put those keys. Whats worse is, that certain things HAVE to be behind a combination. As an example, you cant just bind your aimed wire dash how you want it. You have to use (formerly) mouse wheel + Zr (previously bound to mouse 3). This as well as some essential wire-combos leads to some recurring awkwardness for most melee weapon trees I have tried and I am simply fed up with it. This is even compounded by the fact that the in game tutorials are very lazy in explaining anything. They all assume you already memorized most of these combos and things and why and how to use them from World. My example: How in the world am I supposed to know what uses my Longsword spirit meter? Googling videos and searching the MH-wiki came up with nothing on inputs and loads of lacking, wrong or misguiding information.

Looks: While trailers and screenshots look nice, a lot of the animations are very stilted and feel out of place. Characters in the hubs dont act normally and monsters in the wild sometimes are easily rushed down by staggering them at the correct time, while other times the game decides that they pull through their attack and send both of you staggering. Meanwhile some times the density of effects and things going on on the screen are just too much. Basically everything is sparking, sparkling, shining, glowing, burning - at once. I considered turning down the effect density only to feel like I now have a harder time to tell which attack is coming up next. Again, this problem on its own might be manageable if not for ...

Camera: So you know what is really fun? Seeing what happens in your Action-RPG. You know what you wont do during most monster fights? See whats going on. Be it because of knockback, fidgety terrain or some very important flame effect, the game will do its darnest to keep you from being in control of the situation by taking away the one thing you need to know what is coming. One of my biggest gripes with the camera is its reluctance to dictate movement direction. A classic occurence for me is, that I want to attack the monster, stand below it only for the camera to become utterly useless as my view of the situation clips back and forth between what I should be able to see and a microscopic close-up of my armors shouldpiece because the camera tries to fit in between the monsters feet and my character. The same happens with terrain. Fighting on mountainsides or in caves has the added difficulty of making your camera 50% worse. The aforementioned squeeze happens very regularly here and often disables you keeping the view on the monster while you take a step out for healing and the likes. Also, whenever you put away your weapons all the interactable nodes in those places become interactable again ... taking away even more precious space on your screen with prompts to press F.

So, after all my gripes I have to say that the game can be fun and rewarding at times. However it drastically takes the reigns away from you and punishes you arbitrarily. Should you buy the game? I think not. The less money we all give Capcom, the sooner the countdown for all the hostage IPs to become public license starts ... Sorry Monster Hunter, you dissappointed me a lot.
Posted 28 December, 2022.
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915.7 hrs on record (356.8 hrs at review time)
Well .... after 7 years of this game I have to say: It still bugs out most of the time. Physics jank out and most moving parts appear to be a detriment to your crafts. YES - it is rewarding when you get your idea to work, but lets be honest: If you actually want to PLAY SE you should avoid using anything that isnt a block.
Also, with Space Engineers now getting into a habit of releasing DLCs which essentially just include contet which was modded in, broken time and again, and now commercially rereleased - I can never recommend this blatant cash grab.
All the promises of developing SE, all the hype after the V1.0 release - all just shallow lies.
Posted 10 March, 2021.
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408.3 hrs on record (144.3 hrs at review time)
If you desperately want to waste your time, War Thunder is for you. Even if you TRY to make it fun, it just keeps being frustrating to the point where, with lacking balance, no clear communication, laboreous and time consuming grinds and stupid side missions, you are BURNING your free time.
At this point, I can only recommend getting a part time job instead of this game. At least you dont have to pay that ...
Posted 18 March, 2020.
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1.4 hrs on record
Pretty much a scam. The Open World ist absolutely lackluster and the gameplay quickly devolves into a grinding simulator to acquire upgrades. These Upgrades dont do much for you except to enable you to acquire even more upgrades. Upgrading your ship, as well as your suit is purely pointless and you will more often than not find yourself "stranding" on a planet, scavenging for FTL-Fuel. Why you should do this? I dont know. If you enjoy watching grass grow, grind a lot and play on your own - this is your game. Alternatively Minecraft has much more game depth than this. And its a third of the price ...

Im sorry, I wanted to like this game, but I am absolutely disappointed. You have let me down.
Posted 5 September, 2016.
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21.0 hrs on record (20.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
If it wasnt for bad optimization on the Pathfinding and other core parts of the game, you would be through with it in aprox. 10 hours max. Comparing the current price (~20 €-ish) with what you would pay for an Alien Isolation key and the tense action and story telling, well lets just say go for A:I.

To make this review more helpful, I will shortly tell you what is currently in the game:
Build a base with oxygen-generators, a simple airlock and some rooms. Create a food source. Mine Asteroids around you and enlarge your base. Upgrade food source and build living and recreation areas. Research stuff.
This, all the while you are defending against Pirate raids, that wouldnt be a problem, if not for the bad Pathfinding and AI in general, that paralyzes your security officer on duty, unable to shoot at the invaders.

PLEASE dont buy this game as it is Vaporware and clearly was ment to be a cash scam all along. Though I see little hope, I will try my luck with a refund for my money, as many people here have been scammed into this product. If you dont believe, just watch the forums here.

Posted 17 October, 2014.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries