Cookies   France
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23:45 - Holy Ou Sen: IRLA♥♥♥♥♥♥ ATTAQUE TUNNEL
23:45 - Holy Ou Sen: C'est très efficace, quelle chance d'irlandais !
23:45 - Holy Ou Sen: FATAL FOUTRE

vendredi 1 décembre 2017
01:58 - Cookies [Earth Salamander] #42: yo
01:58 - Cookies [Earth Salamander] #42: je suis content je viens d'apprendre a auto-calculé une vitesse
01:59 - Cookies [Earth Salamander] #42: position + direction * distance
01:59 - Cookies [Earth Salamander] #42: je recrée l'ulti d'elder titan, du coup j'avais la distance et le temps, mais pas la vitesse
01:59 - Cookies [Earth Salamander] #42: je vais me pencher sur une machine a remonter le temps du coup maintenant que je sais ca
02:03 - シ pos4: nice
02:03 - シ pos4: si tu y arrive
02:04 - シ pos4: a 13 ans jai lavé un sweat bleu a 90° au lieu de 60° ducoup il est devenue bleu clair
02:04 - シ pos4: empeche moi a tout prix
Dota IMBA is the answer to the question: what would happen if every hero received nothing but buffs for 100 patches straight? Stupidly overpowered heroes? Speed-of-light DBZ-esque fights? Insane abilities which make no sense? IMBA has it all! Come check it
2,299,547 ผู้โหวต
สร้างโดย - Shush, Firetoad, Cookies, และ Hewdraw
25 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 19 พ.ย.
2.3 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 14 พ.ย.
12.7 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 3 พ.ย.
Zeph_Zarek 3 ก.ย. 2019 @ 3: 10am 
Oh, it's fine. Thanks for answering, I had that doubt just. That would save me buying the arcane, even though I only play Dota Imba. I look forward to that arcane.
Cookies 3 ก.ย. 2019 @ 1: 14am 
All arcanas will be unlockable through IMBA levels at some point! Just need some time to add them, it's a very hard and long work to add a single arcana. I hope this answers your question!
Zeph_Zarek 1 ก.ย. 2019 @ 1: 30pm 
Hi there!
I've been looking for someone who has ties to the IMBA, I would think you wouldn't accept me ... that's why I wanted to add altivu since they told me I was admin, but I don't accept it. So I went to his profile and saw that he could comment, so I can comment here.
Crystal Maiden has the free arcane in the imba? I mean if it can be achieved through imba levels, since if there are those of io / wisp and zeus. I guess it should be CM's too, and if ... it's not, why wouldn't it be?
↟Black Hole No Mana↟ 10 มิ.ย. 2019 @ 12: 01pm 
pls fix crash imba plz . and nerf Tiny ..... so imbalanced ....
여우 10 มิ.ย. 2019 @ 11: 41am 
fix game!!!
女穆斯林 9 มิ.ย. 2019 @ 10: 59am 
FIX crash imba plz......waiting for the whole weekends no patches T T