Call me Waggs or Koda   Chicago, Illinois, United States
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Gaxel: no scope 360 long distance 2nd wind

Denaricus: >play low prio in reborn beta
Denaricus: ????????
Nacho Picasso: It teleports u to league

Denaricus: omg
Denaricus: nick why didnt you tell me this game was so good
Denaricus: what kind of friend
Gaxel: i literally ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ told you on a daily basis
Denaricus: LOOOL
Gaxel: on an hourly period

VampDen (1): gayman
VampDen (1): why am I GAY?!
VampDen (1): TELL ME KODA
VampDen (1): KODAMAN

Denaricus: I found a furry on the server I play on in this game
Denaricus: and he has diabetes
Denaricus: it me
Gaxel: mirror match
Gablota wyróżnionych prac graficznych
Graffiti Strype
Gablota prac graficznych
Cooker Strype
Gablota recenzji
This game was 10/10 fun. I had originally beaten it last year not on PC and not the DLC edition and the Scholar of the First SIn edition makes the game so much more enjoyable. I highly recommend. P.S: I found this cute dog. We didn't go on adventures or anything but I still love him... (Until I had to stab him for a weapon that I wanted which was completely optional, rip love)
Ulubiona gra
Godziny gry
Ostatnia aktywność
734 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 28 marca
2,6 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 25 marca
2 117 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 25 marca
Hecksore 22 stycznia 2024 o 17:11 
I roll the dice D20 to find the Furry. :d20: Critical luck, so I found you
Lykai 8 grudnia 2023 o 21:23 
The dink is on the floor
Reprise 30 maja 2022 o 18:18 
furboy digital 7 maja 2021 o 20:15 
Don't read this. You will be kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. Now you've started reading this don't stop this is so freaky. But if you read this and ignore it then you will have very bad luck. Put this on 15 profiles in 144 mins. When you are done press space bar and your crushes name will appear in big letters on the screen this is so freaky it actually works
HybridLinX 1 sierpnia 2020 o 9:18 
Aye keep it up and finish that FFX ♥
DeceptionCSGO 22 grudnia 2019 o 22:01 
dont be scared of me! lets get to know eachother :P