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1 person found this review helpful
73.6 hrs on record (72.3 hrs at review time)
I really, really, want to like this game, but the issues with it are just too massive to make it fun. You can see by my number of hours I played the game a long time, but this was me attempting to play the game, many different times, across a lot of years, but every damn time I give up playing because of how broken the game is.

Point form issues:

-World loads like ♥♥♥♥ for non-host players. If non-host players move too fast they will fall out of the world, don't see dug holes until already standing in the air over them, or world loads up showing one thing, then suddenly changes it in the blink of an eye while close.

-Server randomly disconnects non-host players. Every time you get disconnected, your character instantly dies. You lose everything you had on you and need to find and loot your corpse. This is especially terrible if you were using a VTOL as good luck getting that back, or if you were deep in a mine.
-Winch in the game is horrifically buggy. Items you attach to a winch swing around like a stuck model in Half-Life 2/GMod and freak the heck out. This causes the game to lag massively and half of the time cause non-host players to get kicked out of the game.

-Missions are tedious: Even after getting to the tech level of having RTGs (unlimited power sources), and a VTOL, powering on the 'dim nodes' is massively tedious, and these tedious tasks stack up and up. Compounded with above issues it's absolutely aggravating.

-Death by falling 2 feet: Non-Host players repeatedly die by 'falling' out of vehicles just a couple of feet. I lost count how many times in the starter rover I died because when my character got out of the vehicle he appeared standing on the wheel, would slide and fall 2 feet, and instantly die on the spot. Driving any vehicle as a non-host is like this.

-The game has been out for YEARS has still doesn't have a basic Mouse Trap functionality to keep your game cursor in the game. If you have a multi-monitor setup, trying to turn your camera around will keep resulting in your mouse pointer flying out of the screen and randomly clicking on apps in other monitors. I lost count how many times I'd be clicking random crap on Discord because my pointer flew off the screen from me trying to 180 my character camera.

-Horrible camera/Vehicle drill: The camera seems to be infatuated with my character's ass. No matter how hard I try, if I'm in a train, exit a vehicle like a VTOL, drive a rover, etc. the camera constantly slowly pulls itself in towards my character and lowers itself to ass height. Getting out of the VTOL results in crotch-cam every single time I get out and I have to fight the camera to see something other than my crotch. While driving a rover and using the drill and paver you dig down or up based on the tilt of the camera (look up to dig up, look down to dig down), but how matter what you do, you are fighting the camera to keep your camera tilted up or down. There is a non-stop 'gravity' pull to pull your camera back to level. So you need to repeatedly right click, drag, let go, recenter your mouse, right click, drag, etc. repeatedly nonstop while digging a tunnel. You need to keep fighting the camera every couple of seconds or else your tunnel will end up levelling off on you suddenly.


I love the artistic direction of this game, I love the crafting and modular design, and I love how someone finally made a low impact fun game you can casually play with friends, but the issues just keep compounding and I eventually give up. If these glitches weren't so frustrating I'd have accepted the tedious nature of some of the missions, but when compounded with the above issues it just makes the experience far too unplesant.
Posted 11 January.
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4 people found this review helpful
112.1 hrs on record (17.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The superior successor to Neos VR. Resonite is amazing and absolutely worth your time to try. Think VR Chat but you have a fully functional inventory, you can build avatars, objects, scripts, worlds, and full games directly in-world without needing to use any external programs like Unity.

Resonite has a fantastic friendly community and plenty of people are willing to help out new players. When you join don't expect to understand everything immediately. Not everyone who plays VR Chat is a Unity expert, the same goes with Resonite. When you join don't expect to be an expert on all of the builder tools. Take your time and enjoy the experience!
Posted 12 October, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
47.9 hrs on record (24.4 hrs at review time)
This deceivingly simple game is incredibly fun and has an unfolding mechanic where more and more interesting additional features appear as you play so you neither get overwhelmed, but also always find something new and interesting. 24 hours in and still loving it.

Great for people who want to sit and play a game for less than an hour, can stop and come back to it later, or sit and grind if they so choose.
Posted 24 September, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
4.6 hrs on record
Simple and fun. Just beware if the host's computer lags even slightly the physics goes a bit funny which can ruin strokes. Overall a good time for non-serious games.
Posted 21 October, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
10.2 hrs on record
Well polished game. Gameplay changes just enough to be fresh with an interesting story. Absolutely fun being an actual cat that behaves like a cat even if you're as intelligent as a human.
Mix of puzzle, action, stealth, and adventure at different parts of the game.
Very much enjoyed the game.
Got 10 hours of enjoyment out of it taking my time exploring and soaking in the atmosphere. I highly recommend it.
Posted 22 July, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
82.2 hrs on record (23.3 hrs at review time)
Great game for Coop, but not as fun in single player. AI NPC allies aren't completely stupid, but tedious and not as dynamic as a real human players.

Cross-platform is amazing, working across all platforms seamlessly, bravo!

Mods work great and add a ton of quality of life I changes I wish were official in game. Keep an eye on the date mods were released as updates often break them.
Posted 17 June, 2021.
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49.7 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
Played the first few missions and this is the sort of game I enjoy (unlike the first Dungeons) this one has the feel of Dungeon Keeper while making many improvements on it. Also if you aren't the sort to handle micro management, coop is great for being able to literally divide your attention in two places at once as players share control like a two-headed monster.
Posted 9 September, 2020.
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18.9 hrs on record (7.6 hrs at review time)
Very fun game, has a similar but freshly different gameplay style of Creeper World. If you enjoyed Creeper World, this is highly recommended.
Posted 30 April, 2020.
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175.7 hrs on record (37.6 hrs at review time)
Fantastic game once you escape the prologue and are free to play as you like. It's a very high quality game, but warning to people who like to get right in and play a game. This game heavily uses cut-scenes and inescapable forced parts where you need to do things for effect, especially during the opening 2 hours of the game like when escaping the hospital at the start of the game. You will have to crawl agonizingly slowly and there's no way to skip that part of the game.
Excluding the forced 'I want to be a movie' parts of the game, the game is fantastic, has lots of game mechanics, hidden tricks you can figure out if you think about it, and well done humour.
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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6 people found this review helpful
1.2 hrs on record
DO NOT BUY Unplayable (Online Desync Issues): The game desyncs so much I can't play online with my friends. The final straw was in a mission my friend hacked a firewall, on their end they hacked it, on mine it's not hacked. Therefore I can't progress, and they can't hack it again for me causing a complete soft-lock of the level.
Also encountered the following bugs:
-Lobby one friend gets to the screen where you select mission, the other remains trapped on the 'connecting...' screen
-While game is loading, one player gets in the game, the other is trapped at the 'press any key to start' but pressing keys doesn't do anything.
-While chatting with the client, I can press Q to get the options of what to say, but can't click any of the options nor the 1/2/3 keys causing another soft-lock
-During mini-games like when both players need to find the matching combinations my friend's combo displayed on my screen isn't the same as what they see on their own screen. Similar problems with other minigames of constant desyncs.
-Opening doors sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. I can try 8 times to open a door before it actually opens.

The game looks fun, but it's completely unplayable online until the netcode of this game gets a serious overhaul.
Posted 28 December, 2018.
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A developer has responded on 2 Jan, 2019 @ 5:20am (view response)
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