Darkz @dii crazy
Sem nome   Norfolk Island
Allaaahu Akbar!!!
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Horny 👅 Giselle 9 март 2020 в 19:53 
🚕⛳🐟 Performance review for Darkz @dii crazy 💗👑🎫

Usually eager to work, but on one or two occasions has been less than willing to tackle an assignment within the range of competence, or reluctant to learn something new. Considers problems as a challenge and enjoys finding creative yet appropriate solutions. Darkz @dii crazy is able to work out their own solutions, but also works well with a group to solve problems. Able to concentrate and stay focused for short periods of up to an hour but tends to drift after this if not presented with a new task. Darkz @dii crazy is willing to face physical risks and danger, and appears to do so without fear. Sets an example of bravery that inspires others.

🌂 + 🥗 = 🚘
DARKSITE; 1 март 2018 в 19:53 
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Foste morto, amanhã eu não iria ao teu funeral porque eu estaria na prisão por matar filho da puta que te matou!
Darkz @dii crazy 23 дек. 2017 в 22:54 
obrigado bro :)
JÚNIO 23 дек. 2017 в 14:40 
Bom Natal e Bom Ano Novo! , abraço do teu amigo Júnio :steamhappy:
Darkz @dii crazy 19 дек. 2017 в 9:55 
obrigado mano <3
< blank > 19 дек. 2017 в 9:47 
:red_dot: Passei aqui para te desejar umas boas festas :clickpointer: Que te corra tudo bem daqui em diante :maglike: Espero que fôdas mais :fod2PB::callme: e que batas menos punhetas :bhbrofist:
Cumprimentos :Pistolet: :pressX::pressX::pressX: :Pistols: