some fegit from the   Netherlands
my life in one sentence : " well, that didn't go as planned! "

trade offer


"It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets." - Voltaire

Before adding, few rules here :

• adding me with private profile -> block
• adding me with steam lvl 0 -> block
• adding me without avatar/profilpic -> you risk to get blocked
• i try to keep polite... please do that too... i am sorry if i be a bit unkind sometimes
• never beg for items (items = money)
I know all your scam attempts, too bad I knew them too late



Good friends :
- Marsi
- Rubaration
- Minion
- Raffael (vac so new account, another one!)
- Filip
- Max (ripperonis knife)
- this guy


You just got
☐ Not rekt
☑ Rekt
☑ Really Rekt
☑ Tyrannosaurus Rekt
☑ Grapes of Rekt
☑ Ship Rekt
☑ Rekt markes the spot
☑ Caught rekt handed
☑ The Rekt Side Story
☑ Singin' In The Rekt
☑ Painting The Roses Rekt
☑ Rekt Van Winkle
☑ Parks and Rekt
☑ Lord of the Rekts: The Reking of the King
☑ Star Trekt
☑ The Rekt Prince of Bel-Air
☑ A Game of Rekt
☑ Rektflix
☑ Rekt it like it's hot
☑ RektBox 360
☑ The Rekt-men
☑ School Of Rekt
☑ I am Fire, I am Rekt
☑ Rekt and Roll
☑ Professor Rekt
☑ Catcher in the Rekt
☑ Rekt-22
☑ Harry Potter: The Half-Rekt Prince
☑ Great Rektspectations
☑ Paper Scissors Rekt
☑ RektCraft
☑ Grand Rekt Auto V
☑ Call of Rekt: Modern Reking 2
☑ Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Rekt
☑ Rekt It Ralph
☑ Left 4 Rekt
☑ Pokemon: Fire Rekt
☑ The Shawshank Rektemption
☑ The Rektfather
☑ The Rekt Knight
☑ Fiddler on the Rekt
☑ The Rekt Files
☑ The Good, the Bad, and The Rekt
☑ Forrekt Gump
☑ The Silence of the Rekts
☑ The Green Rekt
☑ Gladirekt
☑ Spirekted Away
☑ Terminator 2: Rektment Day
☑ The Rekt Knight Rises
☑ The Rekt King
☑ Citizen Rekt
☑ Requiem for a Rekt
☑ REKT TO REKT ♥♥♥ to ♥♥♥
☑ Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Rekt
☑ Braverekt
☑ Batrekt Begins
☑ 2001: A Rekt Odyssey
☑ The Wolf of Rekt Street
☑ Rekt's Labyrinth
☑ 12 Years a Rekt
☑ Gravirekt
☑ Finding Rekt
☑ The Arekters
☑ There Will Be Rekt
☑ Christopher Rektellston
☑ Hachi: A Rekt Tale
☑ The Rekt Ultimatum
☑ ♥♥♥♥♥♥
☑ Rektal Exam
☑ Rektium for a Dream
☑ eREKTile Dysfunction
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Pureshade 1 Mar @ 10:44am 
good profile, dominant player
📓Pegrinn💜 7 Feb @ 12:14pm 
add me, +rep incredible gamer
76561199577497772 30 Nov, 2024 @ 4:58am 
Mashakar 22 Oct, 2024 @ 8:28am 
let's work on our gameplay
Akikree 6 Sep, 2024 @ 9:30am 
awesome player, let's team up again
Bloodconjuror 5 Sep, 2024 @ 10:35am 
+rep truly inspirational