DarkBluefire   United States Minor Outlying
Let's Play Bronies~ Name's DarkBluefire son of Princess Luna long story would love to meet more Ponies, Furries, Pokemon, Digimon Yoshi's etc. Don't be mean no one like a mean one, don't have much games but will get there okay? No jerks please don't be a jerk only friends and kindness please would like to play with games you might have if I can get it. Have fun! Rawr~ :3 :PuroHappy:

Pokemon: Mastric the Drunken Goodra <3
Best Friends:xXZombi_PandaXx
Σε σύνδεση
Tulip 🌷 θΔ 31 Δεκ 2023, 16:49 
Happy New Year, DarkBluefire!~ 🥳

Hope 2024 starts off well!~ 💙💙
Tulip 🌷 θΔ 24 Δεκ 2023, 16:15 
Merry Christmas! 🎉🎉

Hope you have a wonderful time filled with presents, joy, and celebration 💙
Sjru 🐲 24 Δεκ 2023, 13:25 

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Happy holydays! While there were many woes, trials and tribulations on this year, hopefully on this 2024 we're all able to move on and share new emotions!:dragon_dg:

Enjoy with family, or with friends!♫:dogepaw::fullheart:
Fin 7 Ιουλ 2023, 22:03 
Raaawru Rawr uwu
Fin 7 Ιουλ 2023, 0:40 
Rawr uwu
Roxas Fox 17 Φεβ 2023, 23:43 