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A Crumby Cookie 28 Feb 2023 @ 7:03pm 
Is a raging homosexual but it’s 2023 so it’s K.
c0rda 29 Jan 2019 @ 12:21am 
It has been many years since the legendary hero knight fell, and the demonic entity slain. Or at least that's the tale they tell little children to comfort them at night. But for reality, the evil that "died" that day is still afoot. Lurking, waiting, planning its most vile plan yet. To reap all living souls that inhabit the earthly mortal plane. it's power imcomprehensible, its wit unmatched, its life never ending. And yet. After that fateful battle it has taken to the shadows in a moment of vulnerability. The demon breaches its black horned head from the shadows to take view of the land. Its vision stretching over many of the forests and mountains. It's eyes light up, not with intention to kill, but with knowledge of another powerful being. One who is close....One who just might take it on for all its worth...The demon takes a deep bellowing breath, rears its head to the sky and lets out a hallowed nightmarish scream "CORDAAAAAAA!" to be continued...
c0rda 10 Mei 2015 @ 2:00pm 
It has reaped many lives, and destroyed many castles, but yet. A knight, held tightly by shining magical armor stands tall to oppose the vile demon. A verocious battle ensues, tearing the knights follower's limb from limb. The sun rises to a silent wasteland. The nearby villagers approach with fear and caution to witness the knight laying in a crater with another figure beside him. The villagers collect the bodies of the fallen and take the knight in tears, for he had risked all to slay an unknown enemy for people he had never even met. The night the villagers held his funeral, a villagers on his normal rounds of his beautiful garden. Leans down to tend to a bush, like a hot knife through butter, the villagers head is impaled through the eye leaving his last breath of life for life. His body, motionless. Held by an unknown entity stealthed inside a bush. In the blink of an eye, the body gone. Food...for the Le Berticus...To be continued.