Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 16.3 год. загалом (6.4 год на момент рецензування)
Додано: 27 квіт. 2020 о 4:17
Продукт отримано безкоштовно

Positives :
- Interesting concept
- Can be fun with friends
- Nice art style and music
- Has a decent amount of variety so that it won't feel boring : 3 different types of objectives, several weapons and ways to kill, even gives the possibility of stealth if you hide behind buildings
- Walkie talkies. It's a pretty good mechanic of solving the issue of voice chat over larger distances and ties into the whole "trust or not" thing

Negatives :
- Map is too big, giving almost no chance to the survivors, especially with the dig type of objective
- There's almost no "social deception" in here. A lot of people just kill randomly on any small suspicion and generally there's nothing pushing the players to socialize. There's for example this "exile" vote thing where you can kick a player from the house permanently. But you hardly get the opportunity to ever do that.
- Shooting is extremely annoying and it's next to impossible to tell how you should shoot to actually hit properly (there is this red/green thing but when you actually fight someone you need to act quick and it'd be nice if you didn't need that)

Conclusion :

-Not worth more than 15€, but still worth buying if you have friends to play with.
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