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4.9 hrs on record (4.0 hrs at review time)
BOTTOM LINE: This is definitely not a Triple A title but it's still pretty fun. Worth $20, but no more.

THE GOOD: Developers did a GREAT job capturing the look and feel of the Robocop Movies. The city is dirty, the people are hopeless, the cops are worn out, the criminals are over the top. The story is well written and would make a decent movie on its own. Like the movies, it compares the humanity of Alex Murphy who is supposed to be the cold, unfeeling machine with the inhumanity of the OCP who treat him like an asset and refer to him as "it."

IN BETWEEN: Had to put this as a middle ground because its a mixed bag. This is a really good Robocop simulator. When you walk around, you are heavy and ponderous, just like Robocop. Sprinting isn't very fast because he isn't very fast. On the other hand, you don't have to worry about stamina because he never gets tired.

THE BAD: Gunplay is kinda boring. As mentioned before, you're Robocop. You think some tweaked out street toughs are going to take you down? Well, they can sadly. You're like a squishy tank. Can't jump, can't crouch. You can take cover by standing behind things and you can sidestep to be a harder target. It'll take a lot of shots for you to have to worry about health and most battles are over before you run out of healing items. I've only come across a handful of guns and none of them are real improvements over your stock gun.

Graphics are...okay. It feels like playing Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines, only in a much better engine. The world looks good, lots of shadows and reflections and lens flares. But the animation on characters is right out of 2005. Lots of bad lip sync, everyone moves their head and hands too much when they talk. ALL OF THE BADGUYS SOUND THE SAME. Every single one of them all talk like mohawk leather-jacket characters from a 90's cartoon; that high pitched frantic screaming voice.

The "investigations" are kind of neat and add something to break up gameplay but there's no real depth there. Arkham games did it way better. Overall it's a very linear open world game. You can go where you want and do missions in whatever order you want, but everything is in a straight line.
Posted 9 November, 2024.
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0.2 hrs on record
No cross hairs, no iron sights. You just have to flush a duck out and blast away, hoping for the best. I paid less than $1 for it and didn't even get my money's worth.
Posted 8 October, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
2.5 hrs on record
Wow, this game is terrible.

The HUD/UI feels like it was designed by a person who knew, from a technical view, what needed to be included, but had never played a game before so just splashed it up there like an emotionless engineer. And then never played the game to see how well the design worked.

Gameplay is awkward. You get so little feedback from anything. NPC quest dialogue is about as interesting as a mobile game that expects you to just rush through so you can get back to clicking. I keep seeing quest rewards being given to me, but can't find them in my inventory. No explanation about inventory; I had to clunk around a bit to figure out how to equip a new weapon and a shirt. (2.5 hours in and still no pants) No explanation for the interface. No explanation on how to use abilities or heal or use items or anything at all. Go here, kill this, come back, then move on. Reminds me of Dungeons and Dragons Online from the early 2000's.

What really gets me is the lack of anything that was in the book. The NPC tells you you're in the mall or mars or the square, and it "kinda" looks like it. Sort of. Not really. Each new area greets you with a lazy cutscene: The camera runs down the length of the area, taking time to pause and do a 360 pan around groups of characters frozen in the midst of epic action. But the characters the focus on are just generic adventerers out of any homebrew Unity game. Who are these people? No explanation, no real reason for the scene to focus on them. They put emphasis on background characters and scenery that just don't make sense or have any context whatsoever. You run through what I think is the steampipe area from Oz and pass by three gigantic figures frozen in time. Are they the Scarecrow Lion and Tinman? Nope, just epicly sized....things. Go through egypt filled with generic egyptian trappings. No sphinxes, no Finney and Mudd. No Osiris or any of the other characters. Just some generic statues. Go through the WW1 area and it looks like the mobile app version of Call of Duty 2.

On top of all that, it appears to be a dead game. i'm in North America and the only available server was in Eastern Europe with 0 population and terrible lag. All in all, it was a disappointing experience.
Posted 27 May, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
4.3 hrs on record (1.3 hrs at review time)
I didn't relly care for it. I mean, it's a decent game, good graphics and solid gameplay. But it plays too much like "Left 4 Dead" but disn't do it differently enough to hold my attentionf or very long.

I will say that the playable characters were fun and the levels looked good and flowed nicely. The abilities and weapons among the different characters were unique and each was fun to play. I just couldn't get over the feeling that I had done all this before.
Posted 8 March, 2018.
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