Roy Thomas   United States
To Whom it may concern,
The names above are some of the people that I believe to be involved either directly or in directly in this Ponzi scheme or pyramid scam that has apparently been ran on me before. I have a really good notion & strong belief along with verbal harassment through V2K intelligence (Voice to Skull) & other forms of harmful attacks on me such as radiation via microwaves & Direct Energy Weapons (DEW). I have been under this form of harassment & mental torture for at least 7 years now. I am willing to disclose everything that I know regarding this vigilante gang stalking & orchestrated form of torture through these methods that seem to have monetary gain attached to it, which makes it even harder for the people that are targeting me want to remove or stop this harassment. I have intel that shows who has started this horrible act on me & continue to run it for their personal financial gain. I will disclose all the names & affiliation to me in full as soon as I hear back from this email. Below is the outline of what has been going on & still happening as I type. Please follow up ASAP, this is physically & mentally killing me. Thank you, I look forward to hearing from you soon.
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My name is Roy Thomas
I am a victim of some sort of harassment. This harassment all started to my knowledge back in the summer of 2019. I remember talking to my friend Deserae about my ex fiance in regards to the things around the small town we all were living in. I noticed that there were these strange lights all over my friend's property, (Deserae). Deserae had a 2 acre property that housed (2) trailers. One of the trailers was un-livable, so me being handy & looking for a place to reside, I offered to fix up her uninhabited trailer in leu of rent.

My then, soon to be best friend with time was friends with my EX, however, when my ex realized that Deserae was not so forthcoming about the going-ons, my ex, (Jami) became cold and started to resent Deserae for not willingly giving up info in regards to what I was doing on & in her other trailer that Deserae & I had made a deal on. This lack of communication between now old/or deteeriating friends has become less & less likely to hold.

In time, from me working on Deserae's trailer that I was living in to my ex & I trying to hold together our thin & constant wavering relationship, things started to really come to light.
Jami started being extra verbally rude & distancing herself from me & Deserae. I only had my son at the time & only on the weekends, this too became a tough one, as things around my trailer (Deserae's other trailer) that I was living in and fixing up became all too real.

We started to notice lights in the trees? Then the lights in the trees after a few months started moving & blinking. This led to lights on the roof, to lights on the vehicles, to lights inside the trailer and so on and so on. The lights then became increasingly obvious & now the lights were all over the house, on the walls, furniture & anything else they could land on. Months went by and the lights turned into figures & figures turned into movement & people on Deserae's property. Now, we have invasion from the inside of her trailers to the outside of her properties.

Things are only getting worse, now the lights have increased & they have consumed and invaded the privacy of both trailers & our vehicles have now been compromised. SO....here we are in this small town with my son on the weekends from Fridays after school until Monday morning when I take him to school. Almost every weekend we all would either play games outside, bonfire's, homerun derby, water balloon fights, nerf wars with Deserae & her 2 kids-Garrett & Jayce. Deserae & I noticed the lights in the trees one evening after the sun went down and we picked up Moe (My Nephew) to stay over for the weekend. The lights were small clusters of dimly lit strands that seem to blink & flicker all over the trees in the backyard.

Eventually, the lights moved from tree to tree & then onto the properties & vehicles. We set up security cameras, that were immediately breeched & random objects along with the time & date altered. We then noticed approx. 2 months later people with night goggles & it appeared on camera that there were teams of 2-3 all over the property; in the trees, behind objects and in the neighbors yard.

So my best friend Deserae & I start being vigilant and start acknowledging these events & people that are taking place all day & night. We soon start to see patterns & start documenting where & when these people & events start coming from. We change camera angles & start recording these events from our smart phones. We soon realized that these lights are EVERYWHERE! Now, these people & lights that are obviously being ran & controlled by these people are aware that we are aware.

This has to be rectified & brought to a hault, as our privacy & safety has now become a concern. These lights and people are now visibly seen from my ex's house, which is literally 2 trailers down. I could throw a baseball & hit her roof from my yard, to give an example of how close our homes are apart. The says turn into weeks, & weeks turn into months.

Now the entire house, Deserae & her 2 kids are being affected by the constant invasion of lights & bumping into the trailer. Next, we deal with the obvious invasion & breech of our privacy as all these lights have now entered our home & become even more invasive as for example- sitting in the living room to watch a movie with the lights out unveils a barrage of blinking lights that are evident to everyone in the room. Lights, bumps against the side of the trailer & everyday the lights & sounds get louder & more evident of what is apparent.

The harassment increasingly gets worse by the day. Everyone in the house is on edge because the only topic is what is in the house, what's outside the house & has become precedent & overbearing. The only thing to do now is to video & take pictures of the light show inside the house & record the same on the exterior of the property. One day, the camera pics up an object outside the trailer next to the back door wall, the object looked like a large drone type object, however, it was secured to the side of the trailer wall, the object appeared to reveal the letters....'USAF" on the side of the object. Shortly there after, I went by my ex's house to play with my son outside for the evening, I was greeted by my son wearing a green "Marines" PT shirt.

The entire family was wearing the same shirt, when asked, my ex exclaimed that she has always had that shirt. On the contrary, my son also had the same shirt in his room & on his clubhouse outside that we were playing on & around, yielding a Marine Corp Emblem with the verbiage "Semper Fi" on the bottom of the flag. When I asked my son where it attained the miniature flag on his clubhouse, he said his mom gave it to him. Later that same evening, before I left, my son pointed up into the sky and said hey dad...I said, "What's up Son" said- do you know what that is, as he pointed up into the soon to be dark sky. I exclaimed yes, that looks like a star! My son retorted, no dad, that is the US Government spying on you. I was at a lost for words, so I simply said....is that right? My son & I commenced playing in the yard until the sun went down. The next thing I hear is the sound of my Ex's voice calling for Quinn to come in the house.

I said goodnight, gave my son a hug & kiss, told him I love him & have a good night. Later that evening, the harassment started back up, these people love to hide & play their games in the shadows of the night. Now the lights on the trees move to our vehicles & our security cameras, now blocking & blurring the lenses to distort & obscure the images being recorded. This went on for several months. Deserae & I would go out in the desert to shoot, have bon-fires & drive around the ol' dirt roads, gathering cool petrified rocks & anything old or antiquated left behind from the years past.

The harassment got so bad that it went from lights on the property to lights inside the property, which turned out to be actual cameras. Then we noticed the harassment was actually bigger than we knew...the vehicles were bugged, the house was wired (Mic'd) up, our phones & laptops were bugged & even our televisions were affected by these people. They were now in all facets of our personal lives. I had to do something, so I decided to go work for my brother in Ohio to stack some big money over the spring & work through the year.

My plans were to work hard & come back home to Vegas by the new year. I left for Ohio in March 27th 2021. Work went well and the pay was starting to get where I could maintain consistent income- pay for a place, establish verifiable work & purchase a vehicle & start saving money to attain the goal I set forth. This took approx.. 2 ½ months to reach, however, the harassment FOLLOWED me to Ohio. By this time, the harassment has now entered my head, that's right, I now am hearing voices telling me things & harassing me on a day & nightly basis. l ignored the voices to the best of my ability, but as the days & ni
623 Stunden gespielt
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game, ranking system is complete garbage, morons leave 4 minutes into a 30+ minute game. Please download and enjoy purgatory with your fellow extra chromosome havers.
Puggy 26. Feb. um 0:40 
+Rep he is indeed the authority
SwedishCrepe 25. Feb. um 18:46 
+rep but i have a feeling he is not Roy Thomas and is indeed Christopher Wilson
Number 25. Feb. um 18:41 
+REP Makes dope crafts :unamusher:
SwedishCrepe 11. Dez. 2024 um 18:47 
Hello - this is the administrator of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥™.
We have noticed you haven't logged in for 2 weeks, we're just checking to see that everything is okay with our biggest fan. Since you visited us last time we've updated the Gay section with many videos we know you will enjoy. See you soon!
Kit Back Car 3. Dez. 2024 um 4:16 
just a chill guy
Puggy 26. Mai 2024 um 21:38 
-rep gave up on all of his friends