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Recent reviews by DJPokis

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696.6 hrs on record (593.6 hrs at review time)
A great, well balanced co-op game. 4 classes that are very unique, with nice progression and unlockables. A really good game to play with friends or even solo, as it has good support for solo plays as well, of course it wont be as nice solo, but it's an option.

due the nature of game being full co-op and each class suplementing each other it has achieved to gain a great and mostly respective community, as most interactions are very positive in the game. Thus I highly encourage to join a public lobby if none of your friends play it, or create join own, as other player will usually join into your endeavours.

As well it's still being quit often updated and lately even mod support was introduced. The team behind this strickly spends their time solely on this game, playing themselves.

Personally I've unlocked most of things after few hundred hours, but more content keep coming up from time to time, as well even after unlocking everything, there is still quite big level up rank progressions that will take one about thousand of hours to max out.
Posted 10 October, 2021.
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